• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Main Stream media pulling out all stops to make sure Ron Paul Doesn't win


Well-Known Member
They can't stop the libertarian movement. Discrediting a candidate doesn't discredit the views. Their all fools.

Four years ago there was one libertarian candidate in the Republican race. Now there are three, with one of them being the front runner. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Three Party System here in America.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They can't stop the libertarian movement. Discrediting a candidate doesn't discredit the views. Their all fools.

Four years ago there was one libertarian candidate in the Republican race. Now there are three, with one of them being the front runner. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Three Party System here in America.
Which will divide the GOP and make it easier for an O'Bama win.


Well-Known Member
Which will divide the GOP and make it easier for an O'Bama win.
If that is the case than why do so many democrats support libertarians?

Both political parties are spin offs taken to extreme proportions of the Democratic-Republican Party (Jeffersonian Party actually referred to at the time as the Republican Party). The Republicans and Democrats actually have way to many similarities while the Libertarian party is the only one apparently interested in preserving the building blocks of what supposedly is called "The Greatest Nation on Earth."

How many Democrats on here have said they would vote for Gary Johnson or Jon Huntsman over Obama?


New Member
How many Democrats on here have said they would vote for Gary Johnson or Jon Huntsman over Obama?
With all do respect sir, that is not a very libertarian thing to say :)

I say all of them would say that if they didn't get hung up on yellow journalism and entertainment news.


New Member
Recently, something’s been amiss in the Mainstream Media when discussing the topic of Ron Paul’s candidacy. As the Texas congressman’s support has surged to 15% nationally in the latest Washington Post poll, the Very Serious Republicans who write Very Serious Columns and give their opinions on Very Serious Shows have changed their tune. They aren’t as confident, as cocky, or as arrogant as they used to be when predicting the 2012 presidential election.

Now, they sound scared; they sound nervous; they sound shaken. But most importantly, they sound resolute that they, and not their audience, represent the opinions of mainstream America. They are wrong, and their gamble will be costly.

"In the absence of facts to support the Establishment candidates, the media has turned to personal insults, childish mockery, and deliberate misinterpretation of Dr. Paul’s lessons. Their goal, quite shamefully, is to convince Ron Paul supporters that the candidate that they believe in has no chance of winning the nomination, let alone the general election. Here are some of this past week’s headlines from around the web:"

Daily Paul said:
“Huckabee slams Ron Paul, says he has ‘no chance’ to win Republican nomination”- The Hill

“Ron Paul can’t be allowed to win Iowa”- Daily Caller

“Why Ron Paul Can’t Win”- Wall Street Journal

“If Ron Paul wins Iowa, does that make the state irrelevant?”- Christian Science Monitor

I have written before that this type of overt pressure from our media to change your vote because “your candidate can’t win” constitutes a form of disenfranchisement. Despite Paul’s rise to the front of the pack in Iowa, the Media still ignores that his national support from Republicans has risen from 9% to 15% in a month (Washington Post/ABC poll 12/18/11). They refuse to report the fact that he only loses 49-44 in a hypothetical race against Obama, down from 52-42 just one month ago. They will never tell us that 21% of polled Americans chose to vote for Ron Paul as a third party candidate over the hypothetical choices of President Obama or Romney/Gingrich, and this last statistic leads me to my main point: if the GOP nominates anyone besides Ron Paul, Barack Obama will win the 2012 election.


Currently, Establishment Republicans are issuing an obvious warning to Paul’s base: vote for Romney, or the Democrats will win in November. Clearly, they hope this ominous bit of advice also reaches the millions of Americans who are still learning about Ron Paul’s views. Well, Dr. Paul’s supporters have a retort: we don’t give a damn.

There are worse things than having a Democrat in the White House, and disenfranchisement is among them. We will not vote for whom we are told. We will not vote for a candidate who espouses a policy of preemptive war. We will not vote for the continuation of a flawed, costly, discriminatory drug war. We will not vote for the circumnavigation of the Constitution. We will not vote for a candidate (Romney) who has received just 10% of his campaign donations from actual people (from opensecrets.org). And we will not feel remorse for a Republican party that has abandoned us.

I am a registered Republican, but when I listen to my so-called party leaders, I become infuriated and visibly despondent. When did preemptive war become our national defense? When did the desire to police the world become so mainstream that we forgot that our nation was birthed from a repugnance to imperialism? When did we concede that the federal government has the right to regulate our lives to the point of quiet despotism? And most importantly, when did we become convinced that our votes and voices only matter if we support the perceived frontrunner?

As an advocate of liberty, I will vote on principle over party, every time. If the Republican party took the time to educate its members on the issues, rather than simply bullying them into submission, their party wouldn’t be so splintered right now, and perhaps Dr. Paul would have a unified force behind him heading into November. Instead, GOP leaders seem committed to promoting the status quo, to increasing their own power and influence, and to keeping the $upport of moneyed interests. If the GOP Establishment is successful in convincing Republicans to nominate Romney instead of Paul, and Paul does indeed run as an Independent, Obama will win with 45% of the vote, and the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.

-Colin M. is a senior at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, and will graduate this spring with bachelor degrees in economics and business administration.

And now what else are they not emphasizing. The FACT that Gingrich, Bachman, Satorum, and Perry won't even appear on the ballots in multiple states. The FACT that they are out of this race, talk radio and articles remain SLATHERED with NEWT GINGRICH ARTICLES. C-span abuzz with callers screaming for Rick Parry...Yes that is Rick parry with an A for you Colbert show lovers:

This is a two man race...This is Romney Vs Paul..The media won't tell you that..only brief mentions here and there in the middle of night, when you wake up in the morning they are talking about "Newts Rise to the top" on fox and friends, they are singing for Santorum and Bachman on Glenn Beck...These people are not even going to be on the ballot! Wake UP!

This is Paul Vs Romney only now..

This is tyranny Vs Liberty...This is the Establishment Vs the People...



Active Member
Reality Check for Ron Paul

I still say Romney, Paul and the Grinch will all get 15-25% each and it will go to the 2012 Republican convention and backroom deals to get a clear winner. That means whoever does win the GOP nomination will not even start their Presidential run until the end of August or beginning of September.............. lol

During this backroom deal the lesser candidates will be called in. The majority of their support will be thrown behind whomever the GOP decides they want to run vs Obama. It will not be RP but Grinch or Romney.

Say all 3 get 20%, do you think RP gets the nod? Hell no, either Grinch's 20% goes to Romney or Romney's 20% goes to Grinch.

Say RP gets 25% and Romney / Grinch 15% each. 30% is still more than 25% an RP still loses.

RP can't win by just a little or the above will indeed happen. RP has to smoke / bury the other GOP candidates. RP needs 45% or more to even have a chance.

**Unfortunately for Ron Paul supporters this means no nomination, the powers that be in the GOP will not stand for RP getting the nod.

When this happens if RP goes 3rd party / independent he will insure Obama's second term.

Bitch and moan all ye wish... this is what is going to happen. Carrey = GOP, RP is sitting down

To bad old man Nader was never taken seriously.


New Member
Holy Crap the most Positive Front Page Article about Ron Paul on Fox ever, thanks newt Gingrich and mitt Romney:

For months, Ron Paul was by turns ignored, tolerated and occasionally even praised by his opponents in the Republican presidential race.
But with the libertarian-leaning candidate surging to the front of the field in Iowa with less than a week to go before the caucuses, Paul's extensive record of outside-the-GOP-mainstream comments and views is coming under withering attack by his competitors.
While some of his fellow Republicans have practically adopted his unwavering criticism of the Federal Reserve and Washington's spending habits over the course of the campaign, they are picking apart other aspects of his record -- in particular singling out his foreign policy views as dangerously isolationist.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who mostly had stayed away from commenting on Paul's campaign, took a swipe Wednesday at the Texas congressman's hands-off attitude toward Iran's nuclear program.

"The greatest threat that Israel faces, and frankly the greatest threat that the world faces, is a nuclear Iran. ... We have differing views on this," Romney said at a cafe in Muscatine, Iowa. "Actually one of the people running for president thinks it's OK for Iran to have a nuclear weapon. I don't."

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, whose numbers in Iowa have dropped precipitously while Paul's have climbed, has emerged as one of the Texas congressman's toughest critics in the closing days of the Iowa blitz.

Asked Tuesday whom he would vote for if left with a choice between Paul and President Obama, Gingrich bucked Republicans' typical anybody-but-Obama answer, calling that a "very hard choice."

"I think Barack Obama is very destructive to the future of the United States. I think Ron Paul's views are totally outside the mainstream of virtually every decent American," he said.

Gingrich continued to criticize Paul over a series of newsletters dating back to the 1980s that bore Paul's name and contained a string of racially charged statements. Paul has denied writing those statements and told Fox News last week that they made up just a tiny fraction of the newsletter content, which were devoted to monetary policy and other issues.
Paul earlier had launched a tough ad against Gingrich accusing him of "serial hypocrisy," but Gingrich said the newsletters undercut his message.

"He's attacking me for serial hypocrisy and he spent 10 years earningout of a newsletter that had his name, that he didn't notice," Gingrich said on CNN. "Now all I'm saying is I think he's got to come up with some very straight, very straight answers to get somebody to take him seriously."

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum also had some choice words for Paul on the campaign trail.
On Tuesday, he described Paul as an unproductive member of Congress who is "left of Barack Obama" on national security.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry also said Tuesday that voters don't have to pick a candidate who would allow Iran to wipe Israel off the earth -- a reference to Paul's opposition to intervention regarding Iran's nuclear program.
"You don't have to stand for that," Perry said.

"I have all the respect in the world for the front-runners," he added.
The campaign trail tone toward Paul marks a turnaround from just a few weeks ago, when at an ABC News debate, Paul's opponents cited him as a positivehttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/28/surging-in-iowa-ron-paul-takes-turn-as-punching-bag/# when asked to name something they had learned from the other candidates.

Perry thanked Paul for bringing attention to problems with the Federal Reserve and monetary policy.
"Congressman Paul is the individual on the stage that got me most interested in a subject that I found to be quite interesting, and at the root of a lot of the problems that we have, and I thank you for that," Perry said at the time.

Romney also praised Paul for his ability to generate a loyal following.
"He ignites an enthusiasm with a number of people that's very exciting to," Romney said.
By the next debate, sponsored by Fox News, the goodwill seemed to dissipate, as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann ripped into Paul over his foreign policy views.
As Paul rises in the Iowa polls, the candidates have even less reason to be gracious toward him.

The RealClearPolitics average of recent polls shows Paul leading the field in Iowa by about 2 percentage points. Recent polls generally have him trading the lead with Romney -- while Gingrich, who used to maintain a double-digit lead in Iowa, falls back to third place.
Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, suggested the dynamic in the Iowa race is becoming clear.
"You've got a battle for first place between just two candidates -- Romney and Ron Paul," he said Wednesday on Fox News.
Most of the GOP candidates are now aggressively courting Iowa caucus-goers. Paul is set to travel from a town hall in Newton, Iowa, on Wednesday to a set of stops in Des Moines before the end of the day.

Paul also has a slick new TV ad out in Iowa and New Hampshire that assails the "Washington machine" while casting Paul as the race's "consistent" and "incorruptible" candidate.
Without naming names, the ad says "serial hypocrites and flip-floppers can't clean up the mess" in Washington.


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile Obamma is blowing over 4 million to take yet, another, vacation for two more weeks on the tax payers dime.

Remember to NOT CHEAT on your taxes and claim all that ebay and amazon stuff and pay taxes on it. Along with any income you got for selling ANYTHING! Be it legal to sell or NOT! Because they need more ice on Air-force 1, as Obama sets off for another tropical vacation.


Well-Known Member

INDIANOLA, Iowa - Michele Bachmann's struggling presidential campaign saw her Iowa chairman defect Wednesday to rival Ron Paul's side, an embarrassing blow that came as some called for her to leave the race to free up her supporters for other candidates.

Hours after appearing with Bachmann at an event, state Sen. Kent Sorenson gave his endorsement to the Texas congressman at a Des Moines rally. Sorenson said he resigned from Bachmann's campaign to back Paul, whom he called the most conservative of the top-tier candidates.
