Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. I always enjoy hearing from concerned citizens and gathering their feedback.
The people of Michigan were clear in their intent when they passed the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) in 2008. I have no desire to overturn the MMMA, or nullify the will of the people.
Unfortunately, the MMMA was written in such a manner that many important and unanswered questions have arisen from legitimate patients, caregivers, municipalities, law enforcement and many others. The ambiguities in the law have resulted in a great deal of litigation, and as a result, the need for the courts to step in and fill those gaps in the law.
Much like legislative policy changes often require multiple bills to properly resolve an issue, it is often - if not almost always - necessary for the legislature to provide a framework around a citizens' initiative like this to ensure fair and appropriate implementation of the citizens' adopted law.
There are many in the legislature and affected groups, who do not wish to see the MMMA be determined by constant changes and costly, protracted court battles. Therefore a bi-partisan group of legislators was put together to craft a legislative package to bring clarity to the MMMA. The intent is to ensure that legitimate patients have safe access, and that municipalities and law enforcement have a clear and consistent rather than a confusing patchwork framework for enforcement.
The workgroup recommendations will then head to the Judiciary Committee where the bills will be subject to an open and public debate, to create the best possible piece of legislation for the citizens of Michigan.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
Jase Bolger
State Representative
63rd District
(517) 373-1787
Thank you for contacting the office of Senator Rick Jones about Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA). I will keep your suggestion on file for future reference.
State Senator Rick Jones
Thank you for your message concerning recent attempts to weaken the Medical Marijuana Act. I share many of your concerns. I strongly support the Medical Marijuana Act, and I think we should be working to strengthen the law rather than weaken it.
The Act was written to ensure that everyone who is both qualified and medically in need of a prescription can use marijuana. It is important for us to make sure that the Act does not exclude any who are truly in need.
Those who are using or growing medical marijuana in full compliance with the Act should be protected, and their right to privacy should be maintained. Judges and officials ought to recognize those provisions of the law which allow citizens to grow or use medical marijuana. Medical marijuana users are certainly not a "danger to society," they are simply seeking effective treatment, and they should not be punished or denied that opportunity.
Once again, thank you for your concern about these issues. I will keep your thoughts in mind for future legislation. The Act has been effective thus far, and there is no reason to hinder patients' full and free access to medical marijuana treatment if that treatment is truly necessary.
Thank you again.
Jeff Irwin
53rd District
State of Michigan
[email protected]