mail order seeds


So one day my husband and I decided to throw some seeds we had in some dirt and they grew. We planted early spring and it took several months to flower, before long the plant started to die so we harvested what we had. Turned out no so great, but it got us high. About 2 months ago we took some more seeds and planted them in pots outside. They grew really fast and flowered in a matter of weeks. My husband believes that since they are not mail ordered, the plants wont reach full potential or get full like in all the pictures. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
They could end up being decent plants but nothing beats plants with great genetics. Stick with growing the bag seed at least until you have a good grasp of what the plants need. Growing MJ can be addictive though so be careful! :)


We tried giving them nutrients the first go round, this time we did nothing and they are growing great! But, since they are growing well, hubby is ready to chop them down. I think differently, and would like to wait longer. I need opinions to help change his mind.


Active Member
We tried giving them nutrients the first go round, this time we did nothing and they are growing great! But, since they are growing well, hubby is ready to chop them down. I think differently, and would like to wait longer. I need opinions to help change his mind.
If you have pictures you should post..How long have they been flowering? If you aint feeding nutrients then you really cant expect much, but if you get some nutrients on them you could get some very good smoke..Even off of bag seed.


Bagseed is a crap shoot. Best & worst I've ever grown came from "trash seeds" we threw out in likely places over the yrs. Peace Jack


Photo0659H.jpgPhoto0658Gj.jpgOkay here are two of the plants, im using a camera phone the closer the more blury. This is going to sound bad, but I have not been keeping track of the weeks.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
DO NOT chop those plants down yet - leave them another 3 to 4 weeks (maybe longer) and you will be well rewarded - you will certainly have a Christmas to remember (if you can remember it that is).


Well-Known Member
yeah dont chop that lady down.
Shes still got plenty of growin
like grumpy old dreamer said you will be rewarded witha good ammount of bud if you wait


Active Member
Those look like they have been flowering for only 2-4 week..That way to early if you chop them down you wont get much at all..give it some time and supply it with nutrients that are high in K..Nice looking plants BTW