Mail order pot????

Yes, it should be obvious but there are some people here that may not know the current laws and by reading the content of this thread may assume that mail order is legal.
Cannabis prohibition is on it's way to the gallows in Canada. Have fun getting a judge to listen to a case where a guy bought himself 14 grams of cannabis on the internet.
Mail order is a scam period if you don't believe me let's see you send out money and see the results.

I invite you to look at my profile picture

On top of the jar are several stickers identifying the strain and weight.

All of these stickers were on bags that I purchased off mail order sites

You will get better pricing and better bud then LP's..........if you do find the right site

There are two I recommend
So ryan, obviously you feel it is a scam but have yet to actually provide any evidence. Have you personally tried the two sites I have mentioned? I'm not saying it is or isn't and yes skepticle but I am looking to find actual people that have had good or bad experiences.

I used to order from budmail and bud buddy when I lived in the Territories fairly regularly. Never had a package lost. And they lose the highest % of packages in the north.
I'm not saying people don't send weed through the mail im saying these sites are bullshit.

Perhaps it's worth trying something before commenting. Some may be bullshit, but most of these sites have been operating almost 10 years - at least the popular ones. They wouldn't still be around if they did what you suggest.
I'm not saying people don't send weed through the mail im saying these sites are bullshit.
Again, I stand by my response. You have NO clue wtf you're talking about. Many on here have used these sites, as well as others which weren't listed, with great success. Myself included. Get a clue and educate yourself, instead of making an ass of yourself.
I just wanted to point out that this is illegal, both to sell or to purchase. The only legal source of cannabis in Canada is from an LP or if you are covered under the Allard injunction.