Maiden Voyage: Small Tent, Big Dreams...


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,
Time for another update. Today is the first day of week 4 of flower and we've got lots of pics. Since my last post I've acquired a TDS meter and have determined my tap water is a problem. The tap has a ppm of about 230. I have no idea what's in it, but I think this is why the plants are showing signs of nute issues. Since the ppm of the tap is so high I have to give the girls a lower dose of nutes than I'd like, just to be on the safe side, but such is life.

The girls are continuing their relentless stretch. The indica buds are developing nicely, but the sativa's development is fairly unimpressive. That said, not sure what "normal" development is for this (or any other) strain. After all, this is my first time around.

Now, to the pics!

The stretch has been amazing, 4 or 5 times the veg height so far. Is that normal?
Day 5 of flower
Side by Side Stretch FD5.jpg

Day 22 of flower
Side by Side Stretch FD22.jpg

The indica bud development - looking good, but not as frosty as I'd like
WT Bud 1 FD22.jpg WT Bud 2 FD22.jpg WT Bud 4 FD22.jpg WT Bud 5 FD22.jpg

The sativa seems unimpressive at the moment, but I guess time will tell
PS Bud 1 FD22.jpg PS Bud 2 FD22.jpg PS Bud 3 FD22.jpg PS Bud 4 FD22.jpg

Till next time. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,
Time for another update, and things are starting to get interesting. A few weeks ago my home AC died and temps in the tent were reaching 100+ degrees for a few days. This caused some issues with heat stress and rapid nute uptake. Well the AC has been fixed for over a week now and the plants seems to be back into a comfortable groove. The plants have been returned to their normal nute schedule, just under half the GH trio recommended amount. These pics are from day 28 of flower and things seem to be developing nicely. I've added some additional CFL lights to give the girls a little extra push during the last month or so of flowering. My primary concern at this point is the girls don't appear to be developing many trichomes. I'm waiting for the buds to start getting that frosty look. That said, I can't complain as things seem to be going well enough for this being my very first grow.

Tent set up with a few extra CFL lights added in front.
Grow Tent FD28.jpg

Top view of the indica. She seems pretty stable at the moment.
WT Top View FD28.jpg

A few bud pics of the indica.
WT FD28 Bud 1.jpg WT FD28 Bud 2.jpg

A few more indica pics, this time with the grow lights on
WT FD28 Bud 3 L.jpg WT FD28 Bud 4 L.jpg WT FD28 Bud 5 L.jpg

A few pics of the sativa buds. At this point I'm not expecting much yield from her. Just getting a feel for how sativas grow.
PS FD28 Bud 1.jpg PS FD28 Bud 2.jpg

Well that's all for now foks. Feel free to shoot me a note with any questions or words of wisdom! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Greeting Plant Lovers,
Time for our weekly update. Things have been going quite smoothly since the last post. The ladies are filling out nicely. It's been 35 days since flipping to 12/12 and it seems the stretch is just about done. That's a good thing since the lights are about as high as they can go. The Sativa, which was the runt for a long time, is now taller than the Indica. If she gets any taller I'll have to take her of her little stool and put her on the ground, which wouldn't be cool.

The only real issue I have now is a springtail invasion. I noticed the little bastards about a week or so ago. I've read that neem oil could help so I did a neem oil drench during my last flush. I'll keep you guys posted as to how well that treatment works.

Now, on to the pictures!

As you can see the ladies have gotten pretty tall, especially the Sativa (on the right)
Set Up FD35.jpg

A closer look at the girls side by side
Side by Side FD35.jpg

A top view of the Indica. It's developing quite nicely. I may get a respectable yield out of my first grow after all!
WT Top View FD35.jpg

A few bud pics of the Indica. There about 10 potential colas developing.
WT FD35 Bud 1.jpg WT FD35 Bud 2.jpg WT FD35 Bud 3.jpg WT FD35 Bud 4.jpg

A few bud pics of the Sativa. The bud development is much slower than the Indica, but I've read Sativas give much smaller yields so I guess that's how it goes.
PS FD35 Bud 1.jpg PS FD35 Bud 2.jpg PS FD35 Bud 3.jpg

That's all for now folks. Feel free to shoot me any questions about the grow. I'm a first timer but I'm reading a boatload and learning a lot through this grow so I'm happy to share. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,
For those who are still keeping track it's time for another update! Its been a full seven weeks (day 49) since flipping to 12/12. I missed last week's update due to traveling for work. This created the first issue - the ladies had to go two days longer than usual (4 days total) without a watering! The sativa held up pretty well despite not being watered, but the indica wasn't so lucky. By the time they were watered the indica leaves were completely drooping. Luckily the little lady bounced back within a day or so. But there was another issue! During the last two plain waterings I forgot to pH the water! :wall: Two separate times the ladies were watered with plain tap water with a pH of about 7.5! Luckily the plants were watered with nutes at proper pH twice between the plain water mishaps so I'm hoping not much damage was done.

We're getting close to the end - probably another 3 or 4 weeks before its chopping time! :clap:

Now, on to the pics!

The limp ladies due to not being watered for 4 days.

They bounced back nicely though.

The indica is starting to show some orange-red hairs.
WT FD48 Bud 1.jpg WT FD48 Bud 2.jpg WT FD48 Trichs 1.jpg WT FD48 Trichs 3.jpg

The sativa is fattening up nice, but still mostly white hairs.
PS FD48 Bud 1.jpg PS FD48 Bud 2.jpg PS FD48 Trichs 1.jpg PS FD48 Trichs 3.jpg

That's all for now. Catch you kids later. :peace:


Nice first grow hope harvest goes good look up tips on riu on drying and curing nothing worse than a good grow ruined by quick dry methods that never work unless u don't mind weed that taste like sea weed or hay


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,
Hey Reporichter, thanks for the kind words. It's getting real close to harvest now and I've been reading up on drying and curing. I'll take it slow. Of course I'll sample a few popcorn buds along the way.:eyesmoke:
For those who are still hanging in, it's time for another update! I'll keep it quick this time. Everything is going great. The ladies are fattening up quickly. Been slowly reducing the nutes for about a week and will keep that up for another week. Next Friday, a week from today, start giving the ladies only water for the last week before harvest. At least one watering during flush week will be with FloraKleen. Enough typing, on to the pics!

Day 56 of flower... The Pineapple Sativa buds are getting chunk!



Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,

It's getting close to the end now! I'll keep this one short. It's day 63 of flower. The ladies will get the chop in a week on day 70! The girls got watered today with full strength Flora Kleen (5ml per gal) and pH'd water. Next water will be Sun or Mon with plain pH'd water and the last watering will be with half strength Flora Kleen on Wednesday...then on Friday chop-chop!! Now for the pics...

The White Thunder plant
WT FD63 Bud 1.jpg

Some white thunder buds. It's got a total of 11 colas about this size.
WT FD63 Bud 2.jpg WT FD63 Bud 3.jpg WT FD63 Bud 4.jpg

Some of the lower buds. They're looking good to me!
WT FD63 Bud 5.jpg WT FD63 Bud 6.jpg

Here are some of the Pineapple Sativa buds. The are looking Frosty! Can't wait to get these babies dried and cured!
PS FD63 Bud 1.jpg PS FD63 Bud 2.jpg PS FD63 Bud 3.jpg

That's all for now kids. Feel free to shoot me questions or comments. :peace:



Those sativas get all their wieght in the last couple weeks so go as long as u can u might be surprised by how much they swell. Go by the trichomes they should be most cloudy with some amber they have great scopes for bout 10 bucks on amazon even have a microscope that goes on phone camera ( I have and love it) so u can take a picture and study it without moving on accident looking great


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,
Just a quick update cause...why not. The big day is almost here! :hump: Decided to throw up a few bud pics so you kids can see how the girls are looking. They both get the chop on Friday!

Repo - Yeah, the sativa has been getting pretty chunky the last few days. I've actually got a cell phone scope from amazon and it works great! The trichs are all nice and milky, way over 80%. Besides, the girls are gonna be dried in that tent so they both gotta get the ax on the same day. Gonna keep things simple and do two plants of the same strain next time.

Here's one of those sweet pineapple buds (Day 66 of flower) and a close-up of the trichs (Day 56).

PS FD66 Bud 1.jpg PS FD66 Bud 2.jpg PS FD56 Trichs 1.jpg PS FD56 Trichs 2.jpg
Here's the white thunder (Day 66). None of the buds are really huge, but there's 11 of'em. :weed:
WT FD66 Bud 2.jpg WT FD66 Bud 1.jpg

That's all for now :peace:


Well-Known Member

So after all the reading and researching, prepping and planning, measuring and monitoring, this first time grower has made it to the big day! :bigjoint: The entire process, from procuring the seeds to harvesting the bud was a tremendously satisfying experience.

I've got lots of pictures to share so this will be a two part post. The White Thunder was harvested after about 36 hours of lights off. The plant was in Veg for 5 weeks and under 12/12 for 10 weeks (harvested on day 70). She was topped once about half way through veg and aggressively LST'd for the rest of the veg and into the first week or two of flower. This resulted in 11 "primary" colas.
Now on to the pics! :weed:

A couple of last pics before this lady gets the chop. She filled out really nicely in the last two or three weeks.
WT Plant HARVEST.jpg WT HARVEST Bud 1.jpg

Here's a pic of one of the colas before and after trimming. Trimming takes a long ass time! Took almost 4 hours to get through the whole plant, but maybe that's just due to being a rooking trimmer.
WT HARVEST Bud 2.jpg WT HARVEST Bud 3.jpg

A few more before and after pics.
WT HARVEST Bud 4.jpg WT HARVEST Bud 5.jpg

The last three colas before trimming.
WT HARVEST Bud 6.jpg

All the colas, trimmed and ready to hang.
WT HARVEST Bud 7.jpg

Another shot of trimmed colas to get a better sense of the yield.
WT HARVEST Bud 8.jpg

Here they are hanging in the tent.
WT HARVEST Bud 9.jpg

All total the colas weighed in at 253g (8.9oz). The little buds on the lower stems were weighed separately and come in at 58g (2.0oz). The lower buds were placed in a shopping bag and hung in the tent as well. All together this lady yielded nearly 11oz! :weed: Of course that's wet and includes stems, but I'm hoping to get at least 1.5oz of bud after drying and curing. Not too shabby for a first-timer!

Pineapple Sativa harvest post to come. :peace:


Well-Known Member

For the Pineapple Sativa the grow schedule was nearly identical to the one above. Vegged for 5 weeks and flowered for 10 weeks. However, the Sativa was FIM'd mid-way through veg and she was never LST'd. Next Sativa grow both topping and LST will be involved. Anywho, this lady was chopped after roughly 48 hours of darkness. She had 4 "primary" colas and a bunch of lower buds on the lower branches.

Last pics of the pineapple before the big chop. She's a frosty bastard! :weed:
PS Plant HARVEST.jpg PS HARVEST Bud 1.jpg

A before, during and after trimming of one of the pineapple colas.
PS HARVEST Bud 2.jpg PS HARVEST Bud 3.jpg PS HARVEST Bud 4.jpg

Pics of the 4 pineapple colas, trimmed and ready to hang.
PS HARVEST Bud 5.jpg PS HARVEST Bud 6.jpg

The lower buds laid out in a paper bag. The bag was hung in the tent to dry as well.
PS HARVEST Bud 7.jpg

Here's all the colas hanging in the tent. The sativas are hanging on the two lines to the far right.
PS HARVEST Bud 8.jpg

The sativa buds weighed in at 160g (5.6oz) and the smaller, lower buds totaled 68g (2.4oz). All together the pineapple yielded 8oz! Again, that's wet and includes stems. About 3/4oz of dried/cured bud seems like a reasonable expectation. Based on my early tests these buds are gonna be an amazing smoke! :bigjoint:

This grow has been a fun ride! I plan on taking the photos from this grow and create a start to finish grow journal. I'm already planning the next grow - details to come.

Questions and comments welcomed. Thanks for staying tuned! :peace: