Mag's First Grow - 156 Watts of CFL - Vanilla Kush!


With the impending hurricane here down South, I am not sure if my plant will survive a long power outtage. Still watching the hurricane track, but so far its not looking too good.

But, the good news is that she pre-flowered and is indeed a girl. I may throw some pics up later. Its so hard to contain. Literally no more room to tie down any branches so the only other way to grow is up. Hopefully she doesn't take up too much [more] room.


I assure you that this grow is still going!

Well, lets just have the pics do the talking, shall we? :)

I started feeding her some nutes, and she responded wonderfully. I switched to 12/12 on Sunday as well. She seems to be due for flowering.

She has been growing SO QUICK that she hits the lights overnight and fringes her leaves. I try to keep up but she is going wild.

Look at that stock. Super thick. Muy Bueno! She is guzzing a gallon of water every 2 to 3 days.


been a while since i checked your thread out but i'm glad i did. still looking great man what are you feeding her now? that main stem is incredible, you're truly a grower after my own heart. we don't need a million plants, we make beasties and have big ole harvests.

good timing too, yours is about a week behind this girl (been in flowering 2 weeks now) View attachment 2327929View attachment 2327931 so hopefully we can exchange budporn in about a month and a half. good luck and keep up the good work dude
keep giving her all the water she needs, especially if she's cramped near the lights. speaking of which i'm sure you know by now but the first couple weeks of flowering they like to stretch so watch out x2. would love to see some updated pics i'm sure she's starting to take off and look noticeably different day to day


Sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time.

If there is anyone still out there, here is a quick one.

Day 46 of flowering, a gallon of water every 3 days. 10mL of House&Gardens Soil A and 10mL of House&Gardens Soil B every watering. Only comes out to a ppm of roughly 650~ but my plants do not seem to like anything higher than 700 without shitting themselves.

