Magnetic tape for doors instead of velcro


Just thought I'd throw that idea out there for people who get tired of replacing velcro. It's a thin piece of magnet that's sticky on one side. Tape one piece to the door and another to the frame and off you go :D


Well-Known Member
I like it.

Simple yet hopefully effective for doors.

Personally my grow room is a walk in closet built into my home so it has a wooden door like the rest of my house.



Thanks for the encouraging feedback Dee Tee and Jondamon :D I'll get some pics up in a bit for a better idea in case others are interested.
I'm satisfied with mine because when it's working right its very easy but I would install them differently from how I did.
Oh and for anybody thats going to try this its important to use one long unbroken piece of magnet on each flap of the door or if you are piecing together some scrap pieces make sure they join together really well because light/ air will get through at those places :D


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I cut out my doors first thinking I would put the magnet on first and then tape it to the frame afterwards I would NOT recommend doing that, it was way too much work and less efficient. I would poly the frame and then cut an opening straight down the middle. On one side (Side A) I would tape a magnet and for the other side (Side B) cut an extra piece of poly maybe around 1/2" - 1" wider than the width of the magnet and then tape the 2nd magnet to that. Then connect A to B and tape the extra 1/2"-1" down to side B of the opening.
Also maybe put a little extra tape at the top of the opening to prevent it from separating any further.

I hope it will be odor proof enough, really, really do :D I tried it with incense and it worked then but we'll find out in about 8 weeks for sureIMG_00000114.jpgIMG_00000111.jpgIMG_00000118.jpgIMG_00000119.jpgIMG_00000121.jpgIMG_00000116.jpg, trial by fire :D



this is a vary good idea. im going to apply this to my grow room, Velcro get annoying after a while.