Magnesium Lockout

Maine Brookies

Active Member
Hi, i'm on my first grow and my plants seem to be suffering from a Magnesium deficiency - leaves tacoing and yellowing with interveinal chlorosis, leaftips curling up, etc. The pH of my Just Right Xtra + perlite seems to be fine. I don't have a pH pen, but with an aquarium tester i get a 7.0 runoff if i water with a 7.0 solution and a 6.5 runoff if i water with 6.0 solution.

So, i've been thinking i have pretty hard water - it leaves quite a bit of white chalky residue if it evaporates and has quite a bit of turbidity in a glass for a few seconds until settled. I borrowed a friends TDS meter and get a reading of 150ppm. Is this level high enough to lockout magnesium or should i look for a different answer?


Well-Known Member
Well, it COULD be a magnesium lock out. What's your growing medium? Are you currently using any nutes? How many days in are you?

Maine Brookies

Active Member
What's your growing medium? Are you currently using any nutes? How many days in are you?
Just Right Xtra and perlite. Full line of B'cuzz. Clones that are roughly 60 days old (i've had them for a month) and seedlings that i started about 10 days before i got the clones both have signs of deficiency. The clones have been getting almost full strength (per the bottle recommendations) nutes. the seedlings have been worked up to half strength. None of the traditional signs of fertilizer burn, just tacoing and fading leaves.