Then I'd just ride it out with plain water, depending on answers to the following questions. Are you using tap? What are its ppm? Is your water hard or soft? Are you using a water softener? cn
yes, it's from the tap, but i let it sit out for days before i use it & i check the pH. i don't know what the ppm is, not sure if the water is hard or soft. i'm not using a water softener.
One of the tools you might want is a TDS meter. My favorites are by Oakton. If your water is quite hard, it could be lockout from too much calcium and (long shot!) raised pH. I would seriously get a few gallons of purified water (distilled or RO) and water with that for a coupla weeks. cn
RO is "reverse osmosis", a water purification technology that cleans water to effectively zero ppm. I bought my own RO system, but those storefront water purifiers will do it for you for pennies on the gallon. To test the premise, i'd buy some water. cn