Magnesium Deficiency??


Please help. My poor lady is looking like she wants to die. I have her planted in Miracle Grow Potting Soil and water with ph between 5.8 and 6.3. I have been mixing 1 Tbsp Epsom Salts per gallon of water but the problem seems to be getting even worse. I am also spraying the leaves with the same mix but seems to be of no consequence. I've attached pics hoping someone can correctly diagnose the problem and provide a fast cure. Thanks in advance. PBP. I am not using any ferts other than what's in the soil already.


Magnesium burn, to mygirls you are more experienced than me but understand my reasoning for agreeing with him.

The Magnesium got locked out due to OVER nuteing something else, also high Ph or high PPMS

Mix a half a tsp(teaspoon) of epsom salt per galloon and save this guys life.


Well-Known Member
woahh hold it there thats definitely a MANGANESE deficiency not magnesium...

Manganese Helps enzymes break down for chlorophyll and photosynthesis production, as well as it works with plant enzymes to reduce nitrates before producing proteins.

Having plants that are deficient in manganese can turn the young leaves into spotted (mottled) yellow and or brown areas on young leaves.
Dead (Necrotic) yellow spots form on top leaves, while the lower older leaves will or may have gray specks and or spots.

Symptoms can include yellowing of leaves while the leaf veins can stay green(interveinal chlorosis). Can also produce a checkered effect. As the plant gets newer growths the plant will seem to grow away from the problem, that’s why the younger leaves on the very top may be unaffected. On the surface of the leaves, brown spots can appear. While the severe areas of the leaves turn brown and wither.

It is locked out probably due to the pH in your soil being either too acidic or alkaline(there are other causes too like soil is too compacted and or low nitrogen, and of course very dry are the pH ranges for Manganese absorption>>>>

Manganese is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 5.5-6.5 anything out of these ranges will most likely lock it out as well as some other nutrients as well.

Hope this helps... Enjoy your grow :)


Well-Known Member
oh and P.S. First check the pH of your soil and if it is in acceptable range then you can just feed it when you water with manganese sulfate, or foliar spray with 1/2 strength of recommended dosage just cut in half and you should be back up and running in no time since manganese sulfate is generally has really fast absorption rates.


Well-Known Member
tell us what were the phases of the condition of the plant and the steps that it looked like up until this, cause that is crucial to give an accurate diagnosis as well, cause it also look similar to alot of things unless you describe what stages the plant went through in its sickness like this is Magnesium deficiency phase of events for instance....

It will start at the tip then will take over the entire outer left and right sides of the leaves. The inner part will be yellow and or brownish in color,(notice NO SPOTTING) followed by leaves falling without withering. The tips can also twist and turn SIDEWAYS as well as the leaf edges curving upwards as if you curl your tongues.(Like as if you looked right down the tip to center of a fan leaf's finger and it was in the shape of a U)
And BTW the newest leaves on the very top dont count as they are always gonna be in the shape of a V.

Please keep this in mind as well
......Excessive levels of magnesium in your plants(like when you have been dosing w/epsom salts) will exhibit a buildup of toxic salts that will kill the leaves and lock out other nutrients like Calcium (Ca). Mg can get locked out by having too much Calcium, Chlorine or ammonium in your soil/water.

One of the worst problems a person can have is a magnesium def caused by a ph lockout. By giving it more magnesium to cure the problem when you are thinking you are doing good, but actually you are doing more harm then good. When the plants can’t take in a nutrient because of the pH being off for that element, the plant will not absorb it but it will be in the soil… therefore causing a buildup. A buildup will be noticed by the outer parts of the plant becoming whitish and or a yellowish color. The tips and part way in on the inner leaves will die and feel like glass.

So if you have been giving the soil way too much epsom salts then flush the crap out of the soil and or transplant and rinse off dirt from roots (slow water from hose or dip the root ball till clean of old soil in a larger huge bucket filled with water and put into new soil.


From the beginning of life as a seed I have been reading and adjusting accordingly as quickly as I can. I started the seed in a JiffyPot, under LEDs, sitting in a pan of water roots growing out in the light until it was about a foot tall and spindly. I am trying to get a hydro setup going and had to be gone a few days so I put the jiffy in nuted water on a cycle of every 3 hours for one hour. It started getting nutrient burn so I put it back in plain water until I could get it into soil. wife had some compost in the shed so I put it in that and flushed it with water and set it under the 250w MH on 18/6. plant responded nicely and shot up about an inch overnight but eventually tops were getting too hot and the closet temp hit into 100 a couple of times. She started drooping and after a little more than a week it was still soaking wet. it was pure mud. Transplanted to MG potting soil and left without water for a couple days to get oxygen to the roots. Watered with tap water - started looking a little better, then started this problem and yellowing leaves with brown spots eventually consuming a good portion of the leaf surface. so I have now and for the last 4 weeks put her under 4 24" T5 tubes and now adding the 1 tablespoon epsom salt/gallon as the plant abuse pic seemed to indicate magnesium deficiency. I am also spraying that same concentration on the leaves once in a while. I got a ph meter about 2 weeks ago and have been adding ph up/down to bring it to between 5.5 and 6.5. today I bought a soil ph meter and just sticking it in the mix was about 7.0 (then I read the instructions saying to measure it while soggy). So that is the whole torture session up to now. I cant believe it can be this damn hard when the shit grows in the wild without all this effort!! but I'm determined to succeed. I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. Thanks again. PBP -- today I bought some perlite and vermiculite. will go get the dolomite lime if I need to.


Thanks, mygirls, for catching the brainfart. I edited my original post after reading your reply and added "Epsom Salts" and "no nutes".


Well-Known Member
yeah np pbp its really not that difficult at all its just sometimes when conditions suddenly change it can throw things out of whack with the plant.
so dont be discouraged these things happen even to the best of us ;)

when the conditions change drastically, or something else out of the ordinary happens to the plant, it then becomes a balancing act(thus making it sometimes so much more complicated) to make sure all things (versus just watering and feeding the dang thing lol)are going along okay with the plant.

However, youve gotten this far, and done a pretty damn good job considering what the plant has gone through, heat stress, multiple transplants, nute burn etc....

So with that being said gardening is always a learning process even for those who are extremely knowledgeable. Personally, my view is always no matter how much one knows about gardening, one can still learn something new each day and that includes myself as well ;)

Enjoy the grow and have fun :) and +rep for getting your plant through those conditions as some artards (not you of course)out there will just let their plant die and not care for it as much as you seem to so keep it up and see her all the way through and she'll definitely reward you for all your efforts in taking care of her ;)