Magnesium Deficiency


Active Member
I think I have magnesium deficiency in my three 6 week old plants, is there any household product I can add that would fix this or do I need to buy something like epsom salt or dolomite. I read about using molasses, would that work?


Well-Known Member
Do you know for sure it's Mg deficiency? Or could it be a Ph imbalance, causing Mg Ca lockout? First,describe the system and the environment. ie.. soil or hydro. Temps,day night. tap or RO water. what type of nutrients, and what is the ppm, lighting.


Active Member
I am using 4 40 watt 4ft fluoros. The soil is organic miracle grow mixed with some perlite. The temperature is around the mid 70's. I have been using some Schultz plant food 10-15-10.