Magnesium Deficiency or something else?

Okay dude all I can tell is, your EoD treatment is/was not done properly. The thing you are doing something “longer than I have been growing” does not mean you are doing it good or better than me. I have never said that YOU are parroting the net, but obviously you do. I do not have any intension to argue with you. Have a nice day.
LOL, ok dude. I'll go let the chair of the Horticulture department at the College know that he gave me bad info about EoD treatment and that his text books are wrong, because some dude on the internet said so. I guess I'll also have to tell my cultivars that they aren't really flowering sooner as a result, even though I've run the same cultivars both with and without far red and have seen the result differences myself. I used to do shorter durations, but they didn't seem to have as much of an effect.
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Hey everyone,

Got home late last night from 9 days away (thanks Blumats!) and found that on just a quick lights out inspection that the plants have responded positively to either or both of the foliar spray & increased Ca/Mg in the feed water. The one or two leaves that were 'spotty' before I left are cooked of course, but the rest of the plant look great and healthy and a super quick look didn't show any additional issues.