MB2 Machine Review, Tips, Tricks, Recipes

Anyone know who's got the best price for this unit?
if you don't buy from the guys who make it or an authorized reseller, there is no guarantee. i'm not aware of any authorized resellers.

if you buy from amazon or ebay etc, you are out of luck if there is something wrong with it.
Just got this machine and will be making brownies with the oil. I've been searching the internet and cannot find a suggested dosage per brownie. I will be using high quality blue dream. Would .5g be too much?

while I don't own one of these, I'm lookin' to get one...I make coco-caps and hornets( my wifes idea ) we add a drop of qwiso to a cap of coco-canna-oil...looks black and yellow...has that extra "sting"....hth

i don't know. nobody actually knows. which is why i decided to decarb instead of wondering.

many people are very happy with the decarbing the MB2 does but the nay sayers have convinced me that it's better to be safe than not get all the benefits from your pot.

the MB2 people need to hire a lab to do some testing. at this point, i don't think they care.

So I just stumbled on this thread (glad I did). I too was wondering about the proper decarb of tincture on my MB2. 160 for 4 hours doesn't seem like enough (which is why they provided settings I guess).

I agree, some testing should be done - either by them or us or someone who has one and access to a testing machine. For now, I'm going to run a 4 hour tincture at 190 - that should be well within safe range and reduce my 2 cup tincture run. I'm using a 6% 1:1 THC/CBD strain so I want to make sure all the CBDs have been decarb'd as well.

BTW: I'm have found running the MB2 on whole plant matter to be REALLY green with chlorophyll. I am testing out 1.5g of fresh frozen full melt bubble - it should make the taste a little better.
Uhhhh yeah...... Don't use 190 as the temp on the MB2 when making tincture with 190 proof alchohol. It completely went dry in a two hour cycle, I was able to recover it by adding more alcohol.
Hey I did a batch of 15 grams of og shark to 3 cups butter to my MB. I did the butter function and the 160 temp setting and lecithin. However, I didn't decarb it before hand.
It looks beautifully green and smell wonderful but I don't think I made it strong enough. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Hey I did a batch of 15 grams of og shark to 3 cups butter to my MB. I did the butter function and the 160 temp setting and lecithin. However, I didn't decarb it before hand.
It looks beautifully green and smell wonderful but I don't think I made it strong enough. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

my first batch of oil wasn't strong enough so i added some bud to it and ran it again. it works.

15 grams to 3 cups seems pretty weak to begin with. then again i'm a daily user and it might get casual users high.

if you are adding some bud to it, decarb the bud first then run the butter again.

good luck.
as i'm way high at the moment i thought it would be a good time to mention that i break up my dose into two parts. i eat 3 caps and then about 1/2 hour later i eat one or two more. i ate a total of 5 today and that's a bit much.

after eating this batch of oil a bunch of times, i realized last week that i had never eaten them without being and getting high. so i took 4 and only took 2 hits off a vape bag and that was a really nice high. 3 caps with a couple bags of vape or 4 caps and minimal vaping. i always "prime the pump" by taking 2 hits of weed about an hour after eating pot. i'll have to try it without priming the pump one of these days.

i wasn't liking the racing heart thing when i took 4 at once. it's still a bit racy but not enough to weird me out.

i used to do a lot of coke back in the day. these days, any speedy buzz above a cup of coffee gets me a bit creeped out.

stick to pot, people, it's the best way.

edit: ok, 5 capsules is one step over the line. at about 2.5 hours after eathing the first 3 and 2 hours after eating the last 2, my heart was racing more than i'm comfortable with, i was super cotton mouthed and a bit panicky. it is a sativa dominant genetic.

i'm pretty sure i've eaten 5 at one time before but i won't be doing that again. i've wondered before and i'm wondering more so now if this stuff gets better with age?? i always eat it the same way these days which is on an empty stomach. next time, i'm going to eat 2, wait 30 to 45 minutes and then eat 2 more.

it took 3 oz of buds to two cups of oil to get this though. when i used 1.5 oz, it was ok but i wasn't happy with it.
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One of the tips I have is to load the MB2 up with your oil, then add your material. if you are like me, this thing is loaded above the oil line with dense buds. Settle the lid down on there and press the cleaning cycle button. wait for it to go around 2 or 3 times, press the cleaning cycle button again to pause it remove the lid enough to peak inside. everything should be pulverized and below the surface now!
I also tried this, worked great.
I just made cooking oil using extra virgin coconut oil and some wonderful Blue Dream.
I decarbed the herb and added the soy lecithin . I followed Endpro' s suggestions for getting my ingredients mixed in my new MB2 . Now I'm wondering if I should refrigerate my new Blue Dream Cana/ coconut oil until ready to use... If anyone can tell me what the self life is for Cana/oil??
Im making tincture ........ In the MB2 booklet it doesn't say to use lecithin , should I ? I'm mixing 2 ozs. to 4. Cups glycerine ,what would be the right amount of lecithin to use ?
with the mb2, i ran a batch of 2 oz coconut oil to 2 oz of bud. when i first made it, i could take 10 capsules and be high but not stoned. after a couple months, i took 8 and it was too much. i want to get it to where i'm only eating 2 or 3 capsules per dose.

i am about to run another batch and i will make it one oz of coconut oil to 2 oz of bud (i use lectitin and do everything else MB2 people recommend, i freeze it etc.). after doing some reading, i think i'll decarb this batch then run it through the MB2.
it's annoying that there is some question in my mind as to how effective the MB2 is at decarbing.

that being said, i'm definately a fan of the machine.

Wow..Really? 2oz of Coconut oil - 2oz of bud? That doesn't sound right at all fatboy…I have a MB2 as well and I ran 20 oz of coconut oil to 1.5 ounces of pre-decarbed bud (21% THC from my garden) and made a whipped Canna-cocnut oil with honey. Half a teaspoon in a cup of coffee (or as a sweetener for any drink) has me flying high for hours after about 35-45 minutes.
Wow..Really? 2oz of Coconut oil - 2oz of bud? That doesn't sound right at all fatboy…I have a MB2 as well and I ran 20 oz of coconut oil to 1.5 ounces of pre-decarbed bud (21% THC from my garden) and made a whipped Canna-cocnut oil with honey. Half a teaspoon in a cup of coffee (or as a sweetener for any drink) has me flying high for hours after about 35-45 minutes.

i thought i corrected that. where ever i say 2 oz of coconut oil, i'm really trying to say 2 cups. i've never been here without being high. :)

i've never tried any in coffee etc. i'll have to give that a whirl.

my magic number is 3 oz of bud to 2 cups of oil. i've tried it with 3 different genetics and 2 to 4 caps get me right where i like to be. not too high, not too not high.

i just did 2 caps a few days ago. 3 hours in i wasn't quite high enough so i vaped .10 of a gram in a vape bag. 10 minutes later i was too high once again. i need to put a sticky on my extreme Q bag when i eat capsules: DON'T TAKE MORE THAN ONE HIT OFF THE VAPE BAG!

it's a handly little machine. i'm very happy i got one. beats the hell out of making firecrackers or pop and fresh cookies.
yeah canna oil. i don't need the oil to be super strong and 3 OZ of bud to 2 cups of oil works out very nicely for me. some people need or like a much stronger dosage and the hash does it for them.
What temp setting on your MB2 are using when you make the 3 oz of bud to 2 cups of oil. I Have once made oil and butter can't get it strong enough gonna try your way out next harvest.
What temp setting on your MB2 are using when you make the 3 oz of bud to 2 cups of oil. I Have once made oil and butter can't get it strong enough gonna try your way out next harvest.

i use the 1 hour oil setting at whatever the recommended temp for oil is. i forget at the moment.

i decarb the buds first then use the machine. it helped a lot. i read some people who run it for hours in the machine. i haven't tried that but they seem to like it.

i cut down on my daily useage and so i'm at a point where 1 or 2 capsules and a couple vapor hits gets me where i like to be.

i've gotten a bit too high a couple times in the last month.
i've learned that i really shouldn't smoke a whole bag of vape after i eat some oil.

i'm not growing anymore so i doubt i'll be running anymore batches using 3 oz of buds. when i run out of my current oil i'm going to try using 1/2 the amount of oil and 1.5 oz of pot.

good luck!
i use the 1 hour oil setting at whatever the recommended temp for oil is. i forget at the moment.

i decarb the buds first then use the machine. it helped a lot. i read some people who run it for hours in the machine. i haven't tried that but they seem to like it.

i cut down on my daily useage and so i'm at a point where 1 or 2 capsules and a couple vapor hits gets me where i like to be.

i've gotten a bit too high a couple times in the last month.
i've learned that i really shouldn't smoke a whole bag of vape after i eat some oil.

i'm not growing anymore so i doubt i'll be running anymore batches using 3 oz of buds. when i run out of my current oil i'm going to try using 1/2 the amount of oil and 1.5 oz of pot.

good luck!
Oh ok cool thanks man!