Magical Butter Machine Reviews ?

If you know edibles will work for you through experience trying other methods and you want a very simple appliance to do all the dirty work with a quick clean up then this is for you.

I bought the unit hoping it would correct something I wasnt doing to make bio available potent edible for myself. And have yet to figure out what is going on or why edibles are not working for me. My experience has not been typical and everyone that has tried my edibles has said they are too strong.

I think it may be possible that my tolerance levels from smoking medicicinaly heavily for 10 years are too high for me to be able to feel the effects of eddibles.
Endpro: maybe it has something to do with the way your body processes cannabinoids during first pass metabolism :confused: An edible is always going to have a different effect than smoking, theres some research to suggest its the increased levels of 11-hydroxy-thc metabolite that result from processing of thc by the liver and maybe your effects from that type of administration will always be minimal.

You can still partake in oils and butters but just use them sublingually. Theres instant absorption into the glands below the tongue and the cannabinoids are delivered right to the bloodsteam, not first to the gut and the liver. Super fast and long lasting its like the best of both worlds.
Endpro, some people don't get near the effects of eating cannabis. I fed my old lady a f*ck ton of edibles trying to prove a point (I was ignorant to the fact not everyone's digestive system absorbs it the same). Anyhow, long story short after feeding her around a Oz worth of primo cannabis (half a brownie pan) I gave up. Later on that week some friends came over split the other half 4 ways and were worthless for about 6 hours.
Maybe you can try using a alcohol extraction with better results. Ive read where people can't absorb it that way either, but I've wondered if maybe different extraction methods effect people differently.
Your wife sounds just like me. Its REALLY expensive to experiment. Trust me I know :p

when i first ate pot i wasn't getting high. somebody told me to "prime the pump", as in, eat the brownie, wait 40 minutes or so, take a couple of tokes and sit back and wait. i was surprised at how high i got the next time i tried the same amount but added 2 tokes.

i've also gotten way too high eating pot, and the thought of eating too much gives me the willies.

i just heard about the magicalbutter 2 and am wandering around reading trying to figure out if i want it.
i want to make tincture. lots and lots of tincture. :)
IME the magical butter machine makes a horrible tincture
since it is constantly heating and grinding the material it pulls ALOT of chlorophyll
which makes it taste really green and can upset your stomach
my machine will be here on Friday. I've decided to make canna oil capsules instead of tincture. I have a lot of good pot and 4 genetics to choose from.

i'm retired so I vape 2 grams a day on average, which beats the hell out of only smoking a bit afte work.

I think im going to put either one or two ounces into 2 cups of coconut oil and figure things out from there. I don't want to get zonked, just nicely high.

if nicely high is one or 2 - 00 gel caps, i'll be a happy pothead.
I highly recommend this machine. Use the discount code 'Gummybear' for a 10% discount and order it today. It can make more than I need, its simple, its easy to clean up, and I believe its worth what its priced at (with the discount, of course).

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