Magic Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok, here we go. This is my first time ever growing magic mushrooms. Here are the details...

Purchased 12cc B+ (SM Strain) from Yuckatopia Spore Company (x1 syringe).

Purchased Super Mycology Jar (x2) from, yes, University Scientific. Amazingly I got my order!! Mixture: Brown Rice, Vermiculite, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Sulphate, Peanut Meal in a plastic jar with lid and self sealing filter.

12/29/2008 - 1:30PM. Sterilized my hands with Purell. Took the jars out of the plastic bag (x2 jars). Took the syringe out of the bag and sterilized the needle with a 70% alcohol swab three times. Injected 6cc into each jar. Put the jars in a computer desk drawer that's never opened so its completely dark, and most important, warm. Packaging tells me the spores will colonize from 2-3 weeks, in a dark and warm place.



Well-Known Member
1/3/09 3PM. Still in the dark, warm drawer. Took them out to inspect just now, and snapped these pics. Looks like I got some colonization going on. Awesome. It also looks real humid in there, with all the water droplets on the inside of the jar. Lots of white patches though, which I hear is a good thing lol.



Well-Known Member
1/10/09 4AM. Yes I am still awake, been suffering from insomnia bad here lately. Anyway, will post pics tomorrow, but it looks like I have a ton of things growing in the jars. Looks, frankly, like mold to me, but it might be the cakes, since I am so new, I dont know what to look for, good or bad. I will post the pics and let the more experienced people on here have a gander. Nothing has changed, still in the dark warm drawer (this is easy so far) and checking on them daily.


Well-Known Member
1/11/09 - 3PM. Here are some pics. Looks like I have a cake forming. Woo hoo. Please correct me if I am wrong though. Im a total noob to shroomin.

The stuff I think is a cake is white, while the vermiculite has turned grey (looks fuzzy). Might be mold, my luck!! We will see.



Well-Known Member
1/31/09 1PM. Ok I am kinda wondering what this bluish green shit is growing on top of the cake thats forming on the underside of the mycojar. It looks like penicillin mold, I certainly hope the hell not.

Jars are STILL in the dark warm computer desk. Have not opened the jars in weeks. Also, when I opened them today to take these pics, there was no smell but the cotton ball was stuck to the vermiculite a little bit.

I was just wondering if anyone out there knew what this was, and if I should scrap the grow. Thanks! If they are contaminated, then I guess its University Scientific (proven scammers) fault (since I followed their directions to the tee)?



Well-Known Member
Dude... I've been lurking from day one....

Decided to post just to make sure that you continue with the thread, even if it turns out that your batch was contaminated...

I am learning and reading before my first attempt...

Keep it up... and maybe soon we can compare




Well-Known Member
Right on Gypsy, thanks for following the grow! Hopefully this is not contam, and I can continue with this particular grow. If it is contam, I will start another one, here on the same journal entry. Yes, hopefully we can compare notes soon! Good luck on your grow when you get it goin. These things are supposed to be easy, I hear. So far, it isnt really in my case. LOTS of patience I also gained from reading about growing these things.


never open your jars bro!!!! if it wasnt contamed before, it probably will be.... i cant see the bluish stuff you speak of though, so cant tell you what it looks like.... probably mold, just watch it.. if its mold you will know without a douby very soon


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man! The packaging said to open the jars when you see mycellum (spelling too tired right now to look it up). So I will leave them shut for now then. Crap, hope all is well! All the bluish stuff (looks gray up there in those pics) is on the top, you can clearly see the white, which is good, but around it is blue, and I hope it is okay. Does mold smell per se?

I hate being a noob to shroomin! LOL!! I can grow MJ all day long, lol!!


Thanks for the advice man! The packaging said to open the jars when you see mycellum (spelling too tired right now to look it up). So I will leave them shut for now then. Crap, hope all is well! All the bluish stuff (looks gray up there in those pics) is on the top, you can clearly see the white, which is good, but around it is blue, and I hope it is okay. Does mold smell per se?

I hate being a noob to shroomin! LOL!! I can grow MJ all day long, lol!!

i just looked at that last pic, (3rd one)... and that does not look good at all... that is verm/brown rice flour substrate right??


Well-Known Member
2/11/09 - 11PM. YES!!! We have shrooms! See pics!! Ok guys, fellow shroom growers, what happens next? This is my first time. Do I let the cake be exposed to the air, leave the lid on the jar? Not sure, and I dont want to kill these. I know they need high humidity. The jar with the shrooms still has the lid on.



hot damn!! congrats bro... i have yet to see a shroom from my ventures... i would say to take the lid off.... but i am surely no expert


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!! This was a total surprise tonight as I checked on them last three days ago, not expecting much, but to my surprise, I have shrooms. They surely take their time to get goin though. Now its a matter of keeping them alive!! LOL.


Active Member
Thanks man!! This was a total surprise tonight as I checked on them last three days ago, not expecting much, but to my surprise, I have shrooms. They surely take their time to get goin though. Now its a matter of keeping them alive!! LOL.
What's Up man? Ok here we go. The jars are contaminated! That is mold and surprisingly you got shrooms. Those must be some awesome spores!

When you ordered your stuff from university scientific you threw your money down the drain! Bad scammers.

Anyway, for future reference, go with trusted vendors such as where you get your spores from.

When the polyfill/cotton ball touched your cake inside the jar, it got wet and allowed the contamination to colonize through it and taint your cakes.

Like I said, that is an awesome strain of spores to grow invitro from a badly contaminated cake such as the ones you have.

So when you get to the point of birthing, you will want to place the cakes in a fruiting chamber (fc) with wet perlite in the bottom to bring your relative humidity (rh) up to 100% which is where you need for cakes. You will need to fan 4-5 times a day and mist. Remeber to always mist lightly and then fan to get the c02 out of the bottom of the fc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a million tenovio!! Awesome advice! Will heed. Yeah University Scientific are bad scammers. I got the jars free though (CC company declined the charges). But yeah, I thought they looked badly contaminated. Damn! Can you still eat the shrooms? I harvested 3 tonight from one of the jars, long stem, cap about the size of a quarter. No mold on the shrooms. I have them in the fridge, in a ziploc. Hope I can eat em still. I also want to get a print, since those spores are so awesome it seems, hell yeah!! No more university scientific for me. Gonna try it on my own next time, and buy the spores from the same vendor (Yuckatopia - 12cc $5). The jar I harvested (pics) has another set of shrooms coming up as of tonight. Must be good genes on those spores like you said, indeed!


Nevermind about the eating thing, the ones I picked turned green with that goddamned penicillin! ARGH!!!!

you sure its not just bruising?? seen something like this yesterday on shroomery.... greenish bruising but RR says they were ok to eat.... just a suggestion...