Yep you can hold that battery for long enough to get combustion, Which Is nice As It allows for a wide Range of temps to be used to extract all of the compounds you want, not just one pre-set temp to use that may and or may not cover all the compounds In said Herb .....I liked the post Where that guy showed the burnt bud In a brand new Never used MFLB And said look what it does lol.... He was controlling the heat to the bud, he burnt his own bud, of his own accord IMO ......If you look at mine you will see it gets used very regularly this isn't my first day review with it.... This is a staple of my collection .... I have burnt up a few loads from time to time But a SSV Or Similar set-up can and will do the same from time to time especially if your inexperienced with them...... As with any vaporizer the more you use it the better you get at it It's just that simple
A Trench Is About Mid-sized bowl..... I am an absolute Pig (were talking several, several grams a day) when It comes to Puffing Bud......
I can puff a trench in about A 15 minute session with many, many, many pulls In that time ( How many Pulls do you get off your bowl? No One ever counts lol ) ....You can see my very light dusting of keif Turn Brown As I Do this Video Just add up quite a bit more material to fill the trench and multiply the time..... It's more than enough to get "me higher" (<- I say Higher as I smoke all day I notice when I get "Higher" as opposed to just Getting high

If you ever Run Out of battery you can Just Improvise and use it as a bowl (never done it but sure you could) In that respect If you have it you will always have something to smoke out of