Mag Landrace!!

no ruderalis in these genes... 4 season weather.. some of the most prime land in the entire region... Strayfox is claiming some Iraqi strain... and then dude did a cross to G13/HP and called it Persian Delight....that name makes no sense at all....

Theres a ton of info out there on it to make sense brother. Id like to hear where your PURE Iranian male came from and which part of the country it was collected in? Sounds pretty rad.

My Iraqi line was collected by my brother in the Ranya mountains in northern Iraq, circa 05. (88 MIC Transportation).. Most of the pheno's that popped up were super feminine, that came with spicey cookie bubba aromas and sweet Persian bakery aromas..

Bodhi popped a couple seeds i gave him for his birthday. His keeper is what he used in the Deep Line Alchemy 6 that he named Persian Delight (Iraqi66 / 88g13hp)..

Hope that helps some.. Bodhi has an interview that you can listen too as well. He talks about it a little bit in there, Go to (15:00)...

Stay blessed

IRAQI 66 Bodhi cut
Bodhi is a gnarly pollen chucker.... i have 1000's of seeds not some few magical ones that didnt hermie or take forever to flower... zero Kush or Bubba smells... just sounds like complete bullshit bro no offence.... calling something Persian with supposedly Arab genetics.... lost me wit that... lots of liars in a business where everyone is competing for your money
Bodhi is a gnarly pollen chucker.... i have 1000's of seeds not some few magical ones that didnt hermie or take forever to flower... zero Kush or Bubba smells... just sounds like complete bullshit bro no offence.... calling something Persian with supposedly Arab genetics.... lost me wit that... lots of liars in a business where everyone is competing for your money

You made a lot of sense up until your disagreement. Instead of asking questions, you attacked. Most people reading this will not favor that kind of closed mindedness. So in the most completely respectful way, let's get to the bottom of this. I will break down what you said with the hopes of you correcting, or countering me.

"Bodhi is a gnarly pollen chucker" If people had a problem with Bodhi's work, he would have surely been ran out of town long ago instead of selling out constantly, including many exculsive heirloom crosses.

"i have 1000's of seeds not some few magical ones that didnt hermie or take forever to flower" I am not sure what this means since most die hard breeders start with 1,000s and isolate the non hermie faster flower triats. Many also breed those 1000s to isolate for potency, effects, and terps.

"zero Kush or Bubba smells... just sounds like complete bullshit bro no offence" It is completely offensive to bash someones work you have not grown or seen simply because you think it sounds like bullshit. Stick to the facts, because most people don't give a rats ass about your opinion, or mine.

"calling something Persian with supposedly Arab genetics.... lost me wit that" Not sure what this means either since Stray clearly stated his brother collected it from Iraq before worked by Bodhi. I do see the flaw in calling an Iraqi strain "Persian", instead of an Iranian, since almost all Persians are in Iran.

"lots of liars in a business where everyone is competing for your money" 100% agree! How can you tell the liars from the honest and good people?

when you create 9 million crosses and none of them gain Elite status... thats Chuck Norris level.. so thats my opinion on Bodhi...Ive always said that about them....alot disagree with me on this and its all good.... Yes claiming Kush flavors in an area where they dont exist is spreading false information . I have 1000's of original seeds from Iran where each one is a different pheno with Terps all over the place... nothing even remote to Bubba/Diesel ....

Ive been on the forums since OG... Ive seen the Con Artist come and go ... you gotta grow their gear and find out whos a schmuck for yourself

On a side buddies move probably close a to 1000 units a month across the whole country... i get to see and sample shit tons of dank... None of the big boys breaking bread are growing Bodhi gear
when you create 9 million crosses and none of them gain Elite status... thats Chuck Norris level.. so thats my opinion on Bodhi...Ive always said that about them....alot disagree with me on this and its all good.... Yes claiming Kush flavors in an area where they dont exist is spreading false information . I have 1000's of original seeds from Iran where each one is a different pheno with Terps all over the place... nothing even remote to Bubba/Diesel ....

Ive been on the forums since OG... Ive seen the Con Artist come and go ... you gotta grow their gear and find out whos a schmuck for yourself

On a side buddies move probably close a to 1000 units a month across the whole country... i get to see and sample shit tons of dank... None of the big boys breaking bread are growing Bodhi gear
Bahahahha. They all just drooling over what you got coming right!!!! With elite never before seen magical strain that blows everything known to man outta the water. Bahahahahaha.
Not selling anything ... thats my point ... I'll have some next level data when i get these new phenos tested on paper...4-5 weeks away
No offence but real seeds is very honest and legit if he claims thats where there from im inclined to believe them i aint saying iranian genetics are common but to think your the only person with access to them in the west is a big jump imo
Bodhi is a gnarly pollen chucker.... i have 1000's of seeds not some few magical ones that didnt hermie or take forever to flower... zero Kush or Bubba smells... just sounds like complete bullshit bro no offence.... calling something Persian with supposedly Arab genetics.... lost me wit that... lots of liars in a business where everyone is competing for your money

No offense taken. You lost me on calling bullshit on genetics collected in Iraq. Im super confused on zero kush or bubba smells when most kush genetics are or were collected in the kush mountain range. Not Iran. I was talking Iraq. No one ever says bodhi claims anything on Arab genetics.

Next, So if a breeder takes an old Oaxaca / wedding cake or whatever they decide to make and share it with the community, call it Persian delight, and if it smelled like a Persian bakery. Thats bull shit that a breeder named his strain that???

This day and age, you better have enough to back up your statement. Especially if you go on seed recon missions around the world and say you have seeds from a country that no one on the entire globe has.

So evidently Mag Landrace is a new landrace strain discovered and brought in from Iran to Illinois where it has been made into one helluva Indica.

I can't find much information on who or how it was found or snuck out/in. It's likely best kept a secret, but I would imagine sneaking a cannabis plant out of Iran into the United States is one hell of a feat

Bubba Kush, Hindu Kush, and King Louis the 8th have been my top Indica strains for a sedative sleepy feeling. But the Mag Landrace is in my opinion better than any of those 3 listed. I cant wait to come across some more.
the strains from iran are nice. but it would of been better to get seeds from the plant rather than smugling a plant lol.
No offense taken. You lost me on calling bullshit on genetics collected in Iraq. Im super confused on zero kush or bubba smells when most kush genetics are or were collected in the kush mountain range. Not Iran. I was talking Iraq. No one ever says bodhi claims anything on Arab genetics.

Next, So if a breeder takes an old Oaxaca / wedding cake or whatever they decide to make and share it with the community, call it Persian delight, and if it smelled like a Persian bakery. Thats bull shit that a breeder named his strain that???

This day and age, you better have enough to back up your statement. Especially if you go on seed recon missions around the world and say you have seeds from a country that no one on the entire globe has.

I got seeds from iraq (iraqi pilgrim) via derg corra yet to try em out never tried an Iraqi strain to my knowledge im intrigued what are iraqi strains like to grow and smoke in your experience?
That Greenthumb shit is weird. He calls it an autoflower but I don't think there's ruderalis in it. It'll stay in veg under 24 hour light and you can clone it but it'll flower even on 18/6. He sells it as an outdoor strain though.
Its a semi auto strain most likely by your description is my guess mate
I got seeds from iraq (iraqi pilgrim) via derg corra yet to try em out never tried an Iraqi strain to my knowledge im intrigued what are iraqi strains like to grow and smoke in your experience?
I have a couple packs of those but haven't popped any. I've always been happy with anything Lala and Monkey have sent.
I have seeds from it. I've bought it a few times from my dispo in Illinois. The taste is me but the high is super sedative. If only it had terps