Mag Deficiency Probs I Hope!! Need Help Bad Guys!!!!

So guys here are the pics for you to view and all the info about the plants. They are autos and they are from seed. Im running a 400w Hps on a 24:0 schedule using GH Nutes. Using Greenlite soil. The temp is a constant 75.8 Degrees and the Humidity cause of flowering is at a constant 42% i searched all over the plants and i see NO Webs or Spider Mites i can not see any. These problems all began about 1 week ago. What can i do guys i need some help!!!!

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Also Using Distilled water all the way through. And 3 fans so plenty of Ventilation. Also i seem to have alot of light red stems leading to some of the sick leaves. Any help is appreciated!!! Just dont want them dying off.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Those punctate rust spots on the leaves look a lot like mine did with a Cal/Mag deficiency are they mostly in the middle of the plant? That's where Cal/Mag deficiency tends to show up first.

Look try this get some Cal/Mag give them some. Next get some insecticidal soap and spray your plants once a week whether they need it or not (do this at lights out). Oh and turn off the 24/0 and move to 18/6 so you have some lights out time. Give it 2 weeks.

Even if it's not mites the insecticidal soap is a great preventative and good leaf cleaner and the cal/mag will not bother them if they don't need it. So both treatments are benign and not harmful if not required.
So 18 and 6 ?? will that screw up the 24 hour cycle i got going ? like plant wise? and okay i added 10 ml of cal/mg to 1 gallon of distilled water and fed it. and ill get some some soap and start doing that as well.
So Hotrodharley why do you think its spidey mites ?? i cant seem to find any indication of bugs/webs or anything that would make me believe mites are present.


Well-Known Member
Using distilled water is probably the cause.

I know that tap water can bee too "hard" in some areas, but at least do a 50/50 distilled and tap water mix. Let the tap water sit out overnight so (some) chlorine can evaporate.

Tap water contains a lot of minerals, including calcium.


Well-Known Member
So 18 and 6 ?? will that screw up the 24 hour cycle i got going ? like plant wise? and okay i added 10 ml of cal/mg to 1 gallon of distilled water and fed it. and ill get some some soap and start doing that as well.
It won't screw up by switching. Plants need the dark time. Photosynthesis AND Respiration...

Okay ill switch the lights up. And should i try the epson salt trick for the magnesium ? or just use GH Nutes Cal/Mg Still? If anyone can see anything in the pics that can benefit me or that i could fix i would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you SandMonkey
General Hydroponics Nutes and at the moment im using BioThrive bloom/ and Ca/Mg+ and Bio Bud. with Bio Marine every other feeding. will be posting pics daily hopefully this gets better!!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
GH cal/mag is fine. I like the Botanicare because it also provides iron (and smells like the old multi-vits my parents forced on me when young ahhh what happy memories). 10 ml/gallon is a bit high try going down to say 2 or 2.5 ml/gallon. But punching it to 10 won't hurt but you might see some precipitate.

Distilled water is expensive and unnecessary, tap water is mostly fine depending on where you live. If your city water is chlorine sanitized it won't hurt the plants, you don't even need to let it sit out. But how do you know if you have chlorine or chloramine? Let your water sit a good 24 hours, no chlorine smell it's chlorine, still smells like chlorine you have chloramine get an RO generator, much cheaper over the long haul.

Oh and always check the pH of your nutrient right before watering/feeding. That will save you some very unhappy surprises.

PS Listen to sandmonkey, he knows his 'stuff'.
Okay well i always have checked the Nute solution before putting it in and i try to get it right on 6.0-6.5 in the soil because with everything in it reads WITHOUT ph treatment close to 4.0 ph. so i always have to greatly raise it. but i always do get it right. So im glad im doing some things correct here :) first grow and all!! ...hahha the old multivites i totally know what you mean! Wicked gross haha.. Thanks for the tips Curious.


Make sure you get your ph as close to 6.5 as possible. It looks like a cal/mag problem to me, but if you're already using cal/mag then that doesn't really make sense. So next logical guess would be a ph problem causing lock out. I've had the same problem using chem nutes in soil on young plants. Chems kill the living organisms in your soil. No bueno. Next time maybe try coco or promix instead of soil...It's better suited to chemical nutes. Or just use organics. I do both but I honestly think the soil is easier. Roots Organic is a brand I've had success with...they're also very competitively priced.
bongsmilie...If it is cal/mag (or was cal/mag) the problem will not correct itself on the older growth but the new growth should be nice and healthy. Hope that helps. Good luck
okay well im going to be watching all the growth and just pray nothing bad happens lol... and was wondering whats a basic length of grow time for autos ?? cause if i only have 2 weeks left the flowers seem pretty small :( i will watch that going to get that as close to 6.5 as possible


I'm not too sure about auto's I've never grown them my self. I do know that they're not known to yield that well (although I've seen reports of decent yielders). Deficiencies and plant "problems" in general will lower your yield. Hit em with some phosphorous. If you've got the money buy some type of phos. booster. Or you could make a phos. tea (bananas)and add some molasses.


Well-Known Member
i think people dont understand what autoflowers are. they are not photoperiod based plants. you give them 24/24... if you are shortening the photoperiod, you might as well cutting down on your final harvest. k deficiency normally have those spots. but cant really tell unless u take a picture under normal lighting, with the hps off.

cal mag problems normally happen in hydro with r/o water. and cal mag problems have zebra strips on the leafs..
Going to take a bunch of pics with lights off so i can get a proper diagnosis !!! and just looking at them from 8 hours later that same leaf turned yellow and almost crispy around the edges. ill post pics in a bout 3 hours guys.