Mag cal deficiency HELP!!

Thanks...... I now think I have spider mites... Found them on a house plant. What's the best way to cut them and how close to the stem??
Thank you again for your help


Well-Known Member
Yeah another PH issue for sure. What are you growing it in? I have battled spider mites over the years, and it takes consistency to eliminate them. What I do is take all my plants away from my grow area, and I disinfect the grow area. Then I take each of the plants outtside, flowering or not, and i spray the underside of the leaves to knock them, and their eggs off. The plants in flowering get a little gentler shower, so you dont fuck your buds up. The vegetative ones get the hard blast setting. I then spray castile soap on the vegging plants.I mean everywhere, coating them. The soap suffocates the mites. I repeat this daily, after work, for a week.

Another thing I have noticed about spider mites is that they prefer always seem to prefer a particular plant over another. And they prefer a dryer environment.
Yeah another PH issue for sure. What are you growing it in? I have battled spider mites over the years, and it takes consistency to eliminate them. What I do is take all my plants away from my grow area, and I disinfect the grow area. Then I take each of the plants outtside, flowering or not, and i spray the underside of the leaves to knock them, and their eggs off. The plants in flowering get a little gentler shower, so you dont fuck your buds up. The vegetative ones get the hard blast setting. I then spray castile soap on the vegging plants.I mean everywhere, coating them. The soap suffocates the mites. I repeat this daily, after work, for a week.

Another thing I have noticed about spider mites is that they prefer always seem to prefer a particular plant over another. And they prefer a dryer environment.
I'm growing in soil..... Thank god I've not got spider mites think I was just thinking the worst