Mad about Obama's dismissive response on Marijuana? How mad? Do something about it!


Well-Known Member
legalizing MJ.

as universal healthcare would be a fucking disaster.

we wouldnt have any more choices. the doctors would have any choice in prescribing meds at their discretion

all kinda shit will go down the drain if universal healthcare would come around.

(being in the medical field for a few, i think i have valid reason to say so)


New Member
legalizing MJ.

as universal healthcare would be a fucking disaster.

we wouldnt have any more choices. the doctors would have any choice in prescribing meds at their discretion

all kinda shit will go down the drain if universal healthcare would come around.

(being in the medical field for a few, i think i have valid reason to say so)
exactly...your worried about your pocketbook.
do you think that if marijuana was legalized it would not be a trainwreck? what if they did it like whiskey and will not let people grow their own? growers would be like the moonshiners of the past...


Well-Known Member
exactly...your worried about your pocketbook.
do you think that if marijuana was legalized it would not be a trainwreck? what if they did it like whiskey and will not let people grow their own? growers would be like the moonshiners of the past...
pocketbook? what are you talking about?

thas wrong.

let me rephrase.

in med school, interning whatever whatever.

before the day would start, there would be meetings. Of course each day would focus on something different, but basically it would be about a case and resolutions.

Our Professors and Instructors would tell us a problem/disease/condition whatever whatever.

then we would also discuss the resolutions.

i.e. "This works for x and y, but only if y is not z and x is not C"

it also helps the people who dont have money, or the people who dont wanna take a certain choice of drugs/pills to choose another type. (of course at our discretion)

so basically if there was universal healthcare

all the choices for the doctors to recommend to patients what would be best for them, or what would work best, etc etc would be out the window if there was universal healthcare

with universal healthcare...there would be one standard. it doesnt matter if it works for everybody. its the standard.

dont be FOOLED by nice and fancy wording of universal healthcare.

take this from someone who was in the medical field.

better yet, if you dont blv me, ask someone else in the medical field if they think universal healthcare is good

better yet, do some research as for why its bad for all


Well-Known Member
Furthermore, if there was universal/standardized Healthcare

all you guys can kiss that medical marijuana goodbye as well.

remember, keyword: standard


Active Member
I believe hes playing it safe, theres no need to push the issue if hes been in office for only 60 days, if you noticed everyone clapped when he said that it just points out that he was speaking in front of a very conservative crowd. There are more important problems at hand to be dealt like border control and the war on the taliban just adds to the pressure. But the issue of legalizing marijuana must be pushed contanstly or the big wigs up there will never take notice. I say on 4:20 evryone should buy or wear a green shirt in support of legalization


Well-Known Member
I believe hes playing it safe, theres no need to push the issue if hes been in office for only 60 days, if you noticed everyone clapped when he said that it just points out that he was speaking in front of a very conservative crowd. There are more important problems at hand to be dealt like border control and the war on the taliban just adds to the pressure. But the issue of legalizing marijuana must be pushed contanstly or the big wigs up there will never take notice. I say on 4:20 evryone should buy or wear a green shirt in support of legalization are you aware that you said 'there are more important problems at hand to be dealt like border control and the war on the taliban' ?

and are you aware that those 3 things are very much inter connected?



Well-Known Member
no need to be sorry bro

i know i aint gonna bite ya head off

tipsgnob wont either, he's cool.

we just talking thas all


Well-Known Member
Remember a squeaky wheel will eventually get greased!

and right about now, the marijuana wheel is squeaking REAL loud and about to get louder
Or the wheel just gets replaced, and the old squeaky one is in a landfill rotting away.

But I applaud your effort. I do think banning a plant is just silly.
(And yet, I can buy a Barrret 50 cal airplane killer)


Well-Known Member
I support your arguments LB, you have said what i have always been thinking, about jobs taxing and that whole bit.
Plus rep for keeping a good head on your shoulders


Well-Known Member
im down for legalizing it too.... but to everyone making a living off growing pot.... well u can kiss that good bye
not quite, if u wanna do it for a living, then get one of the many jobs that will be opened, hell open up you on growery/farm
Though not all of those who are doing it now will get a job. I am still all for it


Well-Known Member
legalizing MJ.

as universal healthcare would be a fucking disaster.

we wouldnt have any more choices. the doctors would have any choice in prescribing meds at their discretion

all kinda shit will go down the drain if universal healthcare would come around.

(being in the medical field for a few, i think i have valid reason to say so)
Hey LB.. been a while... Thats crap...I've had 3 hip replac.
2 should... I knee... all together 8 major ops over a year in hospital... cost 0..
I can see any dr I want and walk out and see another for the same thing.. no one tells me who or how many times I can see a DR... I get meds free... I get transport to Dr. free.. dental free.. physio, free, in the US the ins. is about $12,000 per year... here its about $10 a weeks on a $20,000 a year salary.. our minimum wage. is $9.00 per hour... And for waiting the longest I waited was 6 months, but if it was severe theres no real wait.. and here you won't be homeless because you get sick... I would have been homeless at the 2nd hip replacement..


New Member
that's what I'm talking about...hmmm I bet doctors don't make as much in Canada as they do in the US....damn...:)