M39 indoor clones / soil / veg


Active Member
if ur plants start looking like that u need to fix the problem right away. i dont want to say why cause im a newb


Active Member
i see that your watering every 24hours? thats too much water in my opinion. let the top of the soil dry out a bit, like if you poke your finger into it, underneath will be a bit moist, but the top has dried out. The plants can die with too much water, because the roots aren't given time to breath. see if that helps over the next week. I usually water my plants ever few days, maybe 2-3, sometimes 4 days in between waterings.


Active Member
oh okay well thats not bad.. a bit lower temp would be good, but they'll survive. higher temp=smaller yield. also , have you given them any nutes yet? they are starting to look like their are having some nute deficiency.. and they may be too far from your lights as well.


Well-Known Member
I had a bit of nutes at home so i used to but then i ran out and still havn't got some more. and the light is really close to the girls, I raised it to take the pics. So what temperature should i aim for?


temps should be 70-80deg.
humidity should be <50%
need good airflow.
florescent lights should be only 2" from top of plants
you should water less often and water thoroughly
your soil seems problematic, maybe change for next transplant? I recommend Promix for example
you need to be careful with nutes, depending on the soil makeup
I recommend you buy calmag, and humic/fulvic acid to add to your waterings, as well as clearex or dripclean to remove the salts.
Be sure to transplant BEFORE plants get rootbound, or you'll see nutrition issues.

Your plants need help, i would flush thoroughly with clearex'd water(issues seem to be related to salt buildup to me), then use a very light nute solution buffered with the calmag and humic acid.