Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I'll apologize ahead of time and let you all know I've been drinking and smoking quite heavily... in case I say some stupid senseless shit lol.
So anyways, I've researched the basics of the M-theory and I genuinely feel like that is the legitimate answer to the creation of the universe. It's an incredibly complicated scientific theory that I only partially understand, but I find it interesting how sound the findings are, yet how few people are even aware of this theory or the scientific thoughts behind it.
I've always questioned the idea of "infinity". I've never truly believed in it, so I couldn't beleive the universe is infinite. I knew there was something beyond the universe. Well, we do know for a fact that the universe is expanding at an exponential rate. We can see the "universe" as we know it, in it's entirety, with its region bound by the Hubble Volume... what's outside of that region is receding from the person observing it at a speed greater than light.... but it's clear that there IS something... we just have no way of knowing what IT is.
If you've never heard of the M or string theory, watch this video:
I just skimmed through it, but I'm pretty sure it's an easy to understand summary of the basics...
I'm not necessarily an atheist, but I'm interested in what religious people think about this. I was raised in a very conservative Episcopal household (spent the first 13 years of my life in private christian school) so I'm very exposed to that... side of the equation, you could say. I've always been extremely logical and I just find more concrete evidence in the m-theory than anything else.
So anyways, I've researched the basics of the M-theory and I genuinely feel like that is the legitimate answer to the creation of the universe. It's an incredibly complicated scientific theory that I only partially understand, but I find it interesting how sound the findings are, yet how few people are even aware of this theory or the scientific thoughts behind it.
I've always questioned the idea of "infinity". I've never truly believed in it, so I couldn't beleive the universe is infinite. I knew there was something beyond the universe. Well, we do know for a fact that the universe is expanding at an exponential rate. We can see the "universe" as we know it, in it's entirety, with its region bound by the Hubble Volume... what's outside of that region is receding from the person observing it at a speed greater than light.... but it's clear that there IS something... we just have no way of knowing what IT is.
If you've never heard of the M or string theory, watch this video:
I just skimmed through it, but I'm pretty sure it's an easy to understand summary of the basics...
I'm not necessarily an atheist, but I'm interested in what religious people think about this. I was raised in a very conservative Episcopal household (spent the first 13 years of my life in private christian school) so I'm very exposed to that... side of the equation, you could say. I've always been extremely logical and I just find more concrete evidence in the m-theory than anything else.