M....mmmm......mmmale! :(


Well-Known Member
So I've been growing this Mandala #1 since mid-May and over the weekend it decided it was a male. :( It stands at 8 feet right now and smells delicious. Is there anything I can do with it?




Well-Known Member
[h=2]de·stroy[/h]   [dih-stroi] Show IPA
verb (used with object) 1. to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.

2. to put an end to; extinguish.

3. to kill; slay.

4. to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate.

5. to defeat completely.


Well-Known Member

Some people talk about butter or hash made from males but I'm skeptical. Maybe I can make a perfume?


Active Member
Chop it down and dry it. Then carefully collect the dried pollen sacks and try pollenating some flowers, heh. I do not believe that would work; but I also never thought I would eat a marijuana apple.