Lurking Stairwell Grow. mystery seeds cfl's to hps


Active Member
I currently have 6 mystery plants growing under my stairs.

They currently sit under 4 42 watt cfls light temp 6500k. With home made reflector and wiring....

Here is my plan..

1. move vegetation to cab out side stair well.
2. start my northern lights #5 from BC seed Co. in the cab
3. start my mystery seeds on 12/12 under 8 40 watt 2700k cfl's
4. set up an 400 watt hps at the tall end of the stairs
5. work out a perpetual harvest grow where plants move from the low end to the high end of the stairs.

hope frequent harvests and lots of dope to smoke.

peace out!

And by the way could some one please explain to me how to post some pictures in my message. thnx:wall:


Active Member

So I found out how to load pics.

Here they are here is where I'm at just about 2 weeks from germ two are runted from planting too deep.

All I've done so far is water them.

I just bought a ph meter thank god I did. tested the tap water ive been giving them and its like 7.5 ph yikes! so i watered them with adjusted ph last night .

Please let me know what you think.



Active Member
Alrighty, i picked up some killer northern lights number 5's at the vancouver seedbank when i was on the coast.

they looked awesome plump with black veins running through them.

started germination tonight in tupperware container with ph 6.2 water with paper towel.

Im stoked to start the nl#5's because i know the strain is supposed to be easy to grow and high yield also height and grow characteristics are ideal for my space.

I started with the random bag seed I was giving from my supplier just for learning. I'm also excited to see how that turns out i hope i can get a vigorous male and breed it with the nl#5's. For some freak strain that i can just grow for my own purposes and inbreed fro positive traits and stabilize phenotypes.

I'm defiantly in over my head with all my plans, however im hoping to figure it all out as i am going.

peace & love :bigjoint:



Active Member

my plants have started to show differences M # 1, and 2 are like bones leave sticky up like doberman ears. and M#2, and 3 are just as grown but leave seem droopy like sad or something. M3# 5, and 6 are catching up. 6 is slower however because of it losing it first leaves.

northern lights seeds are still germinating hoping to plant soon.

peace and love



Active Member
So, it has been almost a month since an update....

part of the reason i haven't updated it because i'have been so busy with my new job...

the other part is i really stalled growth because of several key errors:

-used miracle grow soil


-uncontrolled humidity and temperature

-ph'ed water prior to feeding

-used miracle grow nutes

-just started germinating and tried to figure it out from there

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I gave my self a smack in the dome and said "straiten up fly rite!" and things are now improving.

What have I changed? :

-repotted in pro mix hp (soil less grow medium)

-built grow cabinet

-added intake and exhaust with thermostat controller (turns on when temps start to rise)

-lined with reflective lightproof plastic

-started ph'ing run off to figure out adjustments

-now following the house nutrition schedule from my local grow shop.

peace and love

new pics soon:hump:


Active Member
okay picture time ill start off with the two runts from the seedling pics.

m5 and m6...

they were the runts. however, since i started correcting my problems when they were at and earlier stage they are now the strongest looking plants. the smallest is now actually the biggest!

one of the two has already shown i tiny little pre-flower i'll try to get pics later.

peace and love.


Active Member
m2 and m4 the ones that looked droopy in the early pictures. are healthy now especially m2. they both are showing pre flowers. However, m2 was the first and looks very healthy as well.

I gave all the plants they're first round of veg nutes two day ago and they seem to be responding well. i do think they may be showing a bit of water stress (purpling on stems).

peace and love



Active Member
first of all i'm sorry for not updating more often; i'm soo busy with work plus using my blackberry for pics sux ass. Anywho, plants are doing well 16days into 12/12 and all coverd with bud sites.

- the one in the middle 3\\ was the smallest at the start i just gave it a huge pot with a res and wick i picked up at walmart. :weed:

- the shoety with lotsa tops wa the talest bitch i was bending and it turned in to topping by accident!:cry:

-the two that look similar preflowerd first so are the furthest along. one of them went totally hermy on the bottom four branches so I chopped all affected branches. I will have to keep an eye on this one.

things are doing well remember my first grow all bag seed.

I ended up getting one male from vancouver seed bank nl#5s fuk saks. SEEDS WERE OLD; they said they would send me some atomic NL's but i havent seen them yet! I wel save ripping on them for now if these other seeds show up I would call it really good customer service.

peace and love

