Lurch sticks the entire shoe store into his mouth.


Well-Known Member
I know thats right Vi...the crazy things that happen at election time is some of the best stuff out there...I'll be right here enjoying the show with ya...dont forget to pass the bowl :0)


New Member
Everything you said above is true ... except that nothing was taken out of context ... he is quoted exactly as he said it. He may not have meant it, but he DID say it.

Look at the double standards here. If that were a Republican who "misspoke" it would be all over the mainstream media with no let up. They would grind the poor sap into the ground. Remember when Rush Limbaugh made the comment about McNab? It cost Limbaugh his job. The news media is trying to give Kerry a pass. After all, polls show that 86% of media reporters are registered with the Democratic Party ... they want "their guys" to win. The Republicans will give Kerry a pass too ... on November 8th. *lol*

Hey, I even agree that Michelle Malkin kisses O'reilly's ass. :)



Well-Known Member
Blah, Blah, Blah... Who gives a rat's ass about what Kerry said, it still dosent negate the fact that the Bush Administraition has been an utter failure when it comes to the Iraq war, and Afghanistan for that matter.

I see that the Repuiblicans are snatching at straws for this election. I'll be glad to see Bush's rubber stamping Yes men out of office.
Oh btw Vi what Kerry said was all over the mainstream media.


Well-Known Member
Here I must question the theory that mainstream media is liberally biased! There are only 2 talking heads I know of that are liberal leaning, Keith Olberman, And Lou Dobs, and Lou Dobs is more conservative on some issues like border security! The Main news shows are controlled by corporate CEOs and their slanted views come through loud and clear, from non-news (when something as un-appealing as the slaughter in Iraq should be front page) to out and out lies. Who in the fuck cared about that Girl from Georgia whom went missing in Aruba (natalie whats-her-name) except her parents? Yet that was front page news for weeks to cover up the real news, the slaughter in Iraq. The mainstream media is controlled by people like Rupert Murdoch and Michael Isner, even ABC which used to be a little liberal has gone to the corporate moguls. CNN has a new talkin head thats as far right as can be (Glenn Beck). The news is not so much news as bullshit controlled by corporations to fit their particular needs at the time. Of course every once in a while something slips out like the John Kerry debacle, but right away the pundits jump on it and twist it to fit their agendas. So what are the American people to believe when the news is such bullshit. If a station airs the real news like the war in Iraq, they are branded liberal by the Bushies as they don't want anyone to know the extent of the atrocities being waged on Iraq. How dare the news show the flag draped coffins coming back from the war! My friends, Freedom of the press is going through a huge transformation and it won't be long till there's no Freedom in it! Control the press and you control the country, just ask any third world dictator!


Well-Known Member
I think they should show the coffins and bodies of all the killed troops.
I want people to see what casualties of war really looks like. If people are "too much of a pussy" to look at that, then maybe we shouldn't be at war.


Well-Known Member
The media have desperately attempted to defend J.Kerry.
They do not circle the wagons in defense of any stumble-tongued republicans in a similar manner. Look at what happened to Trent Lott.

In any event I couldn't ask for a more entertaining spectacle.
Holy Moly!

Mr. Sowell does a good job in illustrating the rampant media bias on display in the Kerry meltdown!

How is this story played in the media? The front-page headline on the San Francisco Chronicle read: “Bush, GOP seize on Kerry’s Gibe to Turn Focus from War in Iraq.” The Chronicle has learned well the New York Times’s technique of imputing motives instead of reporting facts.

Has any Democrat ever been accused by the mainstream media of “seizing on” some statement by a Republican, much less have bad motives imputed?

This is not the first time the media have circled the wagons around Senator Kerry. Despite the fact that Kerry has shamelessly tried to exploit his military service in Vietnam decades later, Tim Russert is the only major media commentator who has ever asked him why he will not open his military records, as President Bush has done.
Thomas Sowell on John Kerry & Media on National Review Online


Well-Known Member
I guess you haven't noticed all the hoopla by the FOX channel and the Rove-o-crats, Thats all that's been on every channel for 3 frickin days. What about the body bags, lets see some of those, lets see some of the soldiers with missing body parts while Bush-Cheney cuts Veterans benefits, lets see some iraqi children that have been blown up by Bush-Cheneys war. Who gives a fuck about John Fucking Kerry, lets talk about whats going on in the world right now. we have a war out of control with a hundred thousand + dead iraqis and 3,000 dead GIs, 20,000+ wounded, 12,000 seriously (missing body parts) and all you can think of is how the fucking media treats the John Fucking Kerry Debacle, you sir are a sick individual!


Well-Known Member
Hi Mr. med,
your litany of horrors regarding war are irrelevant to the topic of thread.
The thread should correctly focus on the wayward nature of John Kerry's brain.
This bozo was the Democrat Nominee...Holy Cow, If Bush is a dummy this guy is a stone cold cretin!
What a stunt this genius pulled.
The whys and wherefores of the war are a separate issue!


New Member
I'll admit Kerry stepped on his dick, OK! The real deal here is the fact the Republican spin machine jumped on this non-issue to take focus off the real problems with our society. Here I could go into a tirade about what those real issues are, I won't! Suffice it to say, the Kerry debacle was not worthy of 2-3 news cycles on every TV news and Pundit show going. It's just another cover-up of the real news, which, unlike you, I consider to be the illegal War in Iraq! If you really got off on the dead issue of Kerry, you must be really hard up for cover for all the asshole mistakes the Bush-Cheney regime has made. So you got 3 news cycles off of those, I hope your happy, cause you guys don't have a plan except to bash the democrats, defeatocrats, cut and runners, the terrorist win if the Democrats win, what a load of crap!! Tell me Bushs' plan for victory in Iraq, I dare you!


New Member
Yes, Med ... and we all know that the REAL issue is Mark Foley's Email to an of-age teenager. *lol*



New Member
Are you fucking blind, did I once mention Foley in my posts. The real Issue is the illegal Iraq war, period! there are a myriad of other issues to blast the Bush-Cheney regime with. The Foley thing has nothing to do with Bush, rather, Dennis Hastert, and his underlings that had knowledge of this pervert months, if not years ago! Here I'll Mention Foley for you! Foley sucked, now he's fucked! Happy now?


New Member
"It's just another cover-up of the real news, which, unlike you, I consider to be the illegal War in Iraq!"

Please explain in your own words ... what makes the war in Iraq "illegal." Thanks ...



New Member
"It's just another cover-up of the real news, which, unlike you, I consider to be the illegal War in Iraq!"

Please explain in your own words ... what makes the war in Iraq "illegal." Thanks ...

I'm not sure what law covers this but if there's not one there should be: Lying, outright lies about the WMDs, the yellow cake, the ties to Al-queda,etc that convinced the spinless congress to give him the go-ahead! Done with the sole purpose to enrich the civilian contractors and gain control of the oil! It's as plain as day!


Well-Known Member
You know the biggest thing that the republicans are scared of is that Nancy Polosi will become speaker of the house and will start impeachment proceedings against President Shrub.


Well-Known Member
I doubt the democrats will impeach "W".
Think about it. Who takes his place if they do?
What they will do is start investigations and keep him in check, which is exactly what they should do.


Well-Known Member
Good callon Kerry, Vi. I'm a new member here, and am very glad to see the Libertarian flag wavin already! When I saw that the site had a political section, i thought for sure I was gonna get stuck watching "the usual"- you know, the usual Bush-bashing, the usual corporation bashing, the usual Marxism in a new dress that you see so often on pot sites.
So Nicetoomeetcha.


New Member
I'm not sure what law covers this but if there's not one there should be:
Well, first you say the war is illegal and now you say you're not sure. That about sums it up.

Doobie ...

The biggest fear I have if the Democrats take over is they will be heading up the Judiciary Committee. They will have the power to keep constitutionalist judges off of the Supreme Court. The next Justice to retire is 86 years old and the most liberal judge on the Supreme Court. If I can credit GW with anything above all else, it would be his last two nominations to the Supreme Court.



Well-Known Member
I doubt the democrats will impeach "W".
Think about it. Who takes his place if they do?
What they will do is start investigations and keep him in check, which is exactly what they should do.
I SOOO hope you are right. I don't like the Dems any more than the Reps, but since my favorite government is an impotent distracted one, I hope the Dems take both houses and then do nothing but investigate Bush for the next 2 years. And then hopefully for four more years after that!

At least that won't have time to bother with people like me if we can keep them sitting on their own thumbs and doing themselves for 6 years.:peace:


New Member
Good callon Kerry, Vi. I'm a new member here, and am very glad to see the Libertarian flag wavin already! When I saw that the site had a political section, i thought for sure I was gonna get stuck watching "the usual"- you know, the usual Bush-bashing, the usual corporation bashing, the usual Marxism in a new dress that you see so often on pot sites.
So Nicetoomeetcha.
Hee, hee ... Dank & Med ... you guys are in DEEEEEP Shitskies ... :)
