so.. me and a buddy were debating yesterday. you know how they say you cant die from weed/thc/oil???
my buddy after having a few oil hoots, his lungs burned so fkn bad (I know the feeling) that we both swear if we had 3 more giant tokes each, we wouldnt be able to breath and would cough or suffocate to death. we both honestly believed it.
what do you guys think?? you know when you were an oil beginner and had that first hoot that was a little too big or deep and you couldnt breathe??? well what if someone FORCED you to take another thick hoot... to the point where you countly even inhale normal air without an EXTREME coughing fit (you guys know what I mean)... then what if they FORCED ANOTHER big (.3 or .5g hoot) into you.. to the point where you were probably coughing blood and passed out.. and then another, and then another, etc....
basically, what im getting at, is is it possible for oil to ruin your lungs, or make you cough so damn hard you suffocated, or coughed a lung up or something?? with the way my lungs have burnt, and how hard ive coughed sometimes... I think if someone forced me 2 more hoots, after ive had my 2 or 3 bigs ones, I would literally cough to death or suffocate and choke and die. what do you guys think???
ps: I know theres guys out there who do gauntlets or whatever theyre called (20 oil rigs + 20 dabbers ready to go... one guy keeps hitting one bong after another with 5 buddies keeping the nails hot)... or guys who attempt 3 gram dabs. theyre different. im talking about the average guy here.
or how about the video with the guy trying the 1 gram hoot in the car, with the annoying laughed camera man??? remember his cough and how he couldnt breathe???? what if he tried another GIANT hoot with his lungs in that condition with only 10 seconds of recovery time, or less??? then what if he was somehow to try ANOTHER 1g hoot after that???? I think he would die from lack of oxygen one way or another.
I know what you mean vac, the sad truth I'm coming to learn is all quality bho ain't created equal and this method of oil making I don't see myself taking as "medicine" in my old age. 99 out of 100 great bho's make fantastic drugs with side effects, it's only that 1 guy who put's his name on the line and get's lab grade butane that makes something you'll reach for when the doctor says it's cancer. <- take that as a metaphor not a literality.
I coughed so deep and long one instance I could feel the microwebbing that was pulling my lungs shut as it refused to cough up and was only getting dryer. I don't couch, I've smoked organic pipe tobacco threshed into ryo ciggy's for as long as I can remember. I know we all say we have iron lungs, and by the amount that die from combustion related chest issues it's clear we all think we have iron lungs. I'm more saying I'm in tune with every type of cough as I spent most of my life terrified of asphyxiation from a asthma crib tent childhood. To test an extract artist's medicine I hold it in until there's nothing to exhale.
I adhere to the integrity of the baker who eat's the bread he bakes, so I had to take a small tour of poison identification before I hand something I watched over and say take this.
Naptha gave me my scariest experience and of course I was broke and not making oil so I had to keep taking it in smaller doses. They sell this stuff for 60 dollar's a gram and say the bad taste is just the unique flavor of "white gas" extraction. F-word'ing non volatile residuals can be as clear as air, that dang oil was pretty slime in a brown vile. My lungs fibrillated so bad you know that pink blinky stuff you see at times or when your eye's are closed? Well those blood corpuscle's that form spicules of reflected light ganged up and blinked cheekbones, eye sockets, and crossbones. I put that jar in the would be mason jar hand pump vac of the time and it gurgled up. I went back to "the most successful dispensary in vancouver" and told unfortunately the young man this stuff is dangerous and needs to be recalled. He said he went through 6 vials and other than it tasting horrible he was fine.
When I was 22 I was fine 2 fisting double rum and cokes and drinking guinness for dinner, when I was 24 i had an ulcer from working and drinking 24/7. I was fine and it was no biggie, drinking till blackout was cool if you woke up alive too. So I can't blame that guy for not living and dying solvent's or a dispensary that is on drugs while being the guardian's of our medicines......
Anyways just like the first raspy soar throat that in 55 year's will become a death rattle mucous spazaming set of lungs that will die of cancer. Your "Aware" that's why your asking these questions, this feeling im getting makes me wonder if it was multiplied by intensity or time could I die from it. I think yes, the difference going from a stainless steel dabber to a ugly titanium dabber tripled my capacity to vaporize oil. I owe a guy named Jibb's out at riverock dispensary what I think is a part of my life right now. He made some comment on a youtube video and I tried it and I can finaly make my wife feel like this move to dabbing isn't killing me. Never in her life has she ever see me cough in fit's and then sign right back up to the device and do it again like some kind of masochist.
I think we're itching at this health things and working or way through the motions like man is doing with everything else that's killing him. It's not something to crusade against while mcdonald's still stands, but yeah the feeling like 1 more "Hoot" <-- I'm loving that term" might kill you, it will but not today unless it's just in "your cards". I think if things were to stay the same for 20 year's we'd start dying of something related to bho that they won't prove for another 40 years. But didn't most of our elder's die one way or another from what they do? if abestos didn't mangle a generation of the working class, the alcohol they drank would do the rest.
Honestly I always hoped to live a long long life with a really bad smoker's cough for the last 30 years, all my hero's seem to cough up a lung during their lecture's so I think it's neat. But I know we'll inch our way to a different way, cuzz i really like vaping it's removed all of the chain's of combustion smoking I was addicted to the sensation of. I think you can mask it with better and better rig's, i know it's not having anything fancy to start with that trained me to know the oil without illusion's or veils. I don't have enough money or oil to get medicinally intoxicated, so your probably dabbing more brawley than me.
I can suggest trying to smoke like a "erm" "youngin", instead of the hold every inch of goodness that came from the regganomic's era. I've been trying it for about 3 days and I think vaping has a similar sensory phenomenon where getting addicted to that makes us hold it in and cough allot harder. I don't usually breath out till i get my rush of heat in the back of my head, I don't want to black out like that rapper. It was so sad to see him kill himself I had to watch it twice just to believe that can happen to people. Letting in and deep and out like a yoga breath seem's like something we can do till we only have 1 tooth for a hoot, better tane will become cheaper, or maybe we'll move on to another solvent.
Sorry to type so much, I just think about the spirit of health and medicine and stress about what were doing allot. I'm getting tired of it being a drug, I'm tired of drugs it's just a way of making something where you've sold out your integrity for one reason or another. You know when you get your hands on real medicine, because you want to obliterate it but you worship and pick at it like you survived the apocalypse and this is your only slab of oil.
Honestly I wondered how