lung cancer and other benifits of cigarettes


Well-Known Member
just got a call from my cousin with news that she has lung cancer. my mother had throat cancer and talks thru a hole in her neck, lung cancer killed my step mother, and emphysema took my dad. i finially quit the nasty bastards after smoking for 30+ years. please, if you are a cigarette smoker, try to quit:peace:


New Member
just got a call from my cousin with news that she has lung cancer. my mother had throat cancer and talks thru a hole in her neck, lung cancer killed my step mother, and emphysema took my dad. i finially quit the nasty bastards after smoking for 30+ years. please, if you are a cigarette smoker, try to quit:peace:
Even after my 3 uncles died from smoking/Welding related cancer...i still contiue to smoke em.....Why? I have no idea....don't even really enjoy them anymore....i'm only 27 but i don't want to have already lived half my life. thx kevin


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here about the bad news.My grandmother had lung cancer but she did the chemo I think that's how its spelled.But it ended up getting rid of it but it could still come back but shes doing good now them treatments are just tough but worth it in the end and she hasn't smoked for 40 years.Just make sure she does them treatments and be there for her and she can pull through it.Im glad I never started that habit I always thought whats the point of smoking them if it dont get you high.


Well-Known Member
i hear you, even with death looking you in the face most of the family gathers outside the funeral home to smoke before the services. i quit a year ago oct. it just makes me sad to see people smoke but i also know how hard they are to give up....


Well-Known Member
i'm glad your grandmother is doing good****, my cousin will be getting test done next week to see how far the cancer has gone and go over treatment options then. hopefully they caught it in time and the chemo can work its magic. i remember how tough chemo was on my mom, she was a big girl and she lost over a hundred pounds and was to weak to walk. with my step mom, by the time they found it it had already spread through most of her other organs and she died within a month of diagnosis


Well-Known Member
I know I need to quit the filthy fuckers, but I just can't see not having cigarettes in my life.


man i have to quit to im starting to feel them and the toll on my lungs


Well-Known Member
i have been smoking 14 years and i hate the bastards now. they make you smell like hell and i can hardly breathe anymore. also being diabetic it makes me a prime target for stroke and heart attack. i am trying to quit while i am semi young. i am to the point where all the years of partying are starting to catch up with me. i have a prescription for chantix, so i am gonna try to quit soon for the sake of me and my son. i watched my wifes uncle with emphysema smoke a cigarette last night while he gagged and lost his breath and it made me think of how fucked up these little things are. they are killing people and still they smoke even on their death bed.


Well-Known Member
i hear you, even with death looking you in the face most of the family gathers outside the funeral home to smoke before the services. i quit a year ago oct. it just makes me sad to see people smoke but i also know how hard they are to give up....
One of my good friends passed away last year from lung cancer. He was a 1.5 pack a day smoker. He is literally laying in an open casket after chemo ravaged him (looked nothing like he did when he was healthy).

His son and as well as others literally left the service 6 times to smoke. I followed him out one time, shook my head and said "wow, you really don't get it." In the four hours I was with him he finished off a pack and was bumming smokes off of others. It was sad to see someone blindly following the path that killed his father / best friend.

He has since had the smarts to quit.


One of my good friends passed away last year from lung cancer. He was a 1.5 pack a day smoker. He is literally laying in an open casket after chemo ravaged him (looked nothing like he did when he was healthy).

His son and as well as others literally left the service 6 times to smoke. I followed him out one time, shook my head and said "wow, you really don't get it." In the four hours I was with him he finished off a pack and was bumming smokes off of others. It was sad to see someone blindly following the path that killed his father / best friend.

He has since had the smarts to quit.
sorry about your loss

was it one of his good friends too? this might have been his way of coping with the situation

the easiest way to quit these little bastards is to never try them in the first place

if you know they will kill you one day it makes it pretty easy to say naw man ill just hit this blunt

(i know this isnt going to help you guys who already are smokers but just throwing my $0.02 out there)
I must admit, I like to smoke cigs, or at least the motion of doing it. if you want to try something a whole lot healthier than "tobacco cigs" you have got to try E-Cigs.

After just one week i feel wonderful , my breath is back, i dont wease, my energy is up, i feel great. Plus I dont get all the extra carcinagens from the smoke and additives either. Please do this for your health and try them out.


here is the link for the brand of e-cigs i use:


Active Member
I started smoking herb at 11 years old, it helps my ADHD and quick temper. that being said by the time my friends started to smoke ciggs I had been blazing for almost four years. it was like, want a smoke? that wont get me high? fuck no.


Well-Known Member
my cuz called me this saturday to tell me everything was going well, she was lying.... her mom called me today to let me know that they put her in a medically induced coma to controll the pain this morning until she passes. she was 45. what a fucking waste. i haven't cried this much since my dad died.


Active Member
dude this thread is bringing tears to my eyes and i barely spend time on RIU

i'm sorry man, that bitch cancer took 2 of my grandparents, I never got to meet my grandmother since cancer took her at your cousin's age.

i feel for you


Well-Known Member
im gonna feel like such a asshole posting this lol.

But I started smoking a couple months ago.Please dont start,there is no benefit to it at all.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
keep on man, it sounds like your family is gonna continue to need your support, life doesn't always make sense.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
My sympathies.

my cuz called me this saturday to tell me everything was going well, she was lying.... her mom called me today to let me know that they put her in a medically induced coma to controll the pain this morning until she passes. she was 45. what a fucking waste. i haven't cried this much since my dad died.