Lunar Gardening


Active Member
I recently got a magazine explaining how to grow your plants based on the moon's position entering and exititing constelations, if anyone knows a little more bout lunar gardening please post or contact me to discuss i would like to show ppl this type of method.

This little i know

Moon in Libra: Germinate Seeds
Moon in Scorpio: Transplant
Moon in Cancer/Scorpio: Take cuttings
Moon in Pisces:Watering
Moon in Taurus:Fertilize
Moon in Aquarius:Harvest

Moon enters and exits a constellation every 4 to 5 days, if anyone grows using this method plz post, its the ancient way to grow good pot, zzzzing

THX THC:hump:

66 north

Well-Known Member
A full moon will pull the sap up in plants and a dark moon the sap is mostly in the roots . This is a theory a old guy told me about cutting firewood .

66 north

Well-Known Member
The moon affects about everything the gravity pull of a full moon pulls the sap upward where a dark moon has no affect and the sap{most} stays in the roots .


Well-Known Member
lunar gardening eh? sounds very interesting but i don't think the light output of the moon would do too much for your sun loving cannabis.


New Member
Plant when the moon is waxing (growing fuller)

harvest when the moon is waning (getting smaller)

For all plants, not marijuana in paticular.


Active Member
I remember my grandparents always having moon/sun sign books, pretty sure they are for growing like this, not sure where to get them, i just remember them having them when i was little, they used to have some pretty big gardens, anyone know where to get these books from?


New Member
I remember my grandparents always having moon/sun sign books, pretty sure they are for growing like this, not sure where to get them, i just remember them having them when i was little, they used to have some pretty big gardens, anyone know where to get these books from?

Try the Old farmers almanac, it's got all the moon cycles in there, when to quit smoking, mow your yard, cut your hair. Hell it even tells which stages of the moon to go fishing.

It's confusing at first, but keep on reading it, you'll get it figured out.


Active Member
so am talking about here two diferent things astrological gardening and lunar gardening do they complement each other???