Lumitek ballasts and ATT Uverse


Anyone have problems with the ATT Uverse service when your Lumitek ballasts are running? My TV skips repeatedly when the lights are on. Wondering if anyone had some sort of fix short of switching services, can't really ask the Uverse guy. Thru some research, I found out that ballasts a few years old had some shielding issues.


Thru a few hours of research apparently lumitek digitals do put out RF noise. I'm just writing what I read on some other threads but heres some things they can supposedly do....interfere with AM radio, HAM radio, cable tv, satelite tv, cell phone, police radios, people have even had cable people come to their houses and say there houses are putting out "noise". Kind of frightening. One fix I read was putting a ferrite choke on your cable for your tv but now I'm concerned my house is putting out a "noise". Any choke experts know if I can put those on my ballast cords to block that?. Would kind of like to block the signal so its not reading from outside, i figure if its messing up my tv, you can see it with "equipment" from right off my property doesn't sit well with me.