Luminus CXM-32 Gen3 the next big thing??

beleive it or not the hlg-240 doesnt really have much more usable power than the hlg185-48A. the 48A are at the perfect sweetspot for maximizing driver utility and you can get 220-225W out of them, but only 240-250W out of the more expensive 240-54B
Hi Cobkits,
Can you explain if you’re over driving the hlg-185w tp get 220-225W out of iit and how. I thought these were CC CV? Thank you. If this is true I’ll more then happily use these :)
I'm not Bobby, but I think i can help ;

B version (with external pot) are capped to the specification range. A version however (internal pot) don't have the same cap, and higher wattages can be attained. This is especially true for CV versions, when you use the top of the voltage range.

For some versions, gains are pretty important. Check out meanwell reports for pretty accurate data.

eg . I use ELG-240-48H at over 300W with 50V cobs.

Hi Cobkits,
Can you explain if you’re over driving the hlg-185w tp get 220-225W out of iit and how. I thought these were CC CV? Thank you. If this is true I’ll more then happily use these :)
elgs are strange birds. my elg240h-48A went way over what it should have even on 110 input where it should be significantly derated
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Yes you will see they show the rating near the top of the first table on the datasheet.
Odd. I’ve been pouring over the data sheets and non gave any indication they could be over drawn. Looks like it’s time to measure the input vs output wattage and crank these power supplies up!

I’ve akways purchased the c1400 or c2100 versions that limit the current. Is there a reason you guys like the constant voltage versions?
look at the test reports as opposed to datasheets for actual driver capability

some reasons people select lower voltage drivers:
-more economical per watt
-more holder/cob configuration options
-more flexible for expansion
So I've been thinking about making a DIY cxm 32 light, but here are some things I'm concerned about:

- The only COBs available for me from gen3 are 40K ones. Others I would have to order in bulk of 300 or something like that - is this worth the effort, or should I stick to some other COBs available on the market?
- Heatsink - would 100W Kingbrite heatsinks keep my lights cool?

I have 3x3 tent (actually a little bit bigger as it's 1x1m) and I was thinking about 4 COBs running around 100W each, but after seeing some footage on them I think this might be an overkill in the long run (this kind of powier could cover 4x4 I guess)
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