lumens vs watts ?


Well-Known Member
okay guys, from your experiences what is more important in growing bigger bud.

I plan on growing 15 plants in 8x8 area. Should i go with 52 cfl lights that give out 100 watts each ( about 1600 lumens each) or 1000 watts of MH ( about 130000 lumens)

i plan on vegging for 6 weeks




Active Member
Just curious what kind of cfl do you have? For 100 Watts it should be way more lumen. I use cfls 26watt 1750 lumen per bulb.


Well-Known Member
i am using engery saving cfl, I bought from walmart. Its a 100watts bulb but only uses 23 watts. Lumens are 1600.

thats what it says on the box.


Active Member
they dont really give out 100w.. they give out 23w...

Dont even fuck around with the CFLs spend a couple hundred and get two 600w hps... When you harvest pounds instead of grams you will be happy...

CFLs can sustain the life of a plant in veg (i use them for new closes) but you NEED real lamps to grow buds bigger then peas


Active Member
yes blue spectrum light light mh is better for lush veg growth... i just suplement good nutes and use my hps lamps tho cuz im poor


Active Member
yes blue spectrum light light mh is better for lush veg growth... i just suplement good nutes and use my hps lamps tho cuz im poor
Hey I had to use some cheap cfls as veg and one 1000 watt hps lamp in my closet until I was able to start doing more. We all have to start somewhere.


Active Member
Its a energy saving bulb. Its equal too 100 Watts. You using the bulbs a size under mine. They do work but you will need more and you have to get creative. With placing of the bulbs. I do a closet grow too so I can really relate to u. Right now I have two girls in flower and 15 in veggie. Cfls do work. You just gotta be smart.
only 23watts? wow why the hell would they put that on the box. okay thanks i will switch to mh.


Well-Known Member
15 in veg really ? what are you using on them.

I used 4 cfl per plant for 6 weeks and flowered them with 1000 watts, gave me about 13oz. I prob get more if i start using MH.


Active Member
Well all 15 are in the red solo cups. It's a total of 5 lights. 3cool and 2 warm. 4 on the sides and 1hanging. They are all 26watt 1750 lumens. My babies looking great! My girls that are in flower have 5warm 26watt 1750lumen. She looks healthy. :)