Luiji's MINI PLANTS : Journal # 3 ( 1 WhItE WiDoW & 1 PrOjEcT X )

Keep the good time smashin goin on. I hope you listen to your share of UK punk killer while their in your care.

project x trucking well, leafs at the bottom are dying off slowly but once i repot and everything i hope all will go back to normal

white widow , doing MUCH better - rejuvinating its leaves, just like all the others ive had - project x is the my best plant so far from start!

cheers guys :D ill probably flick the switch on day 35-40 :) , its on 24/0 from seed, temps at 94 f door closed and 30%h , temps door open 86f 28% h :)
If you cut that 24/0 to 18/6 youll get some cool time. I wouldnt want them to stretch from heat but they look great m8.

-timers are now on 18/6 starting at 2 am tonight the lights will go out ( that's 13 hours almost )

-watered this morning with 1/10th tsp of cal mag in 500 ml of water between both plants

-clipped a few edges and dead parts, cleaned box and area around, raised lights a tiny little bit as well

-box temps with door open , 85F , 37%H - door closed, 94F , 42%H ( hopefully the lights off period will help out like u said ;) .. alien )

ricky, glad to see you back - hopefully everyone stays tuned, cause the white widow aint going no where, and neither is the project x

both are right BACK ON TRACK!!! ( ill probably be flicking the switch in 15 days if all continue to goes this good , i can smell both of them, but the project x is SUPER danky right now )

- also see below, for previous grows both on DAY 25 ( comparison time guys )



- thread link ( )


enjoy guys , stick around for my BEST GROW YET FOR SURE!
Notice the temps are a bit high. What is the ratio of exhaust and intake?? I hear exhaust should be 3 times that of your intake. Also, could be a good idea to have passive intake??

Good luck :peace:
its 50/50 my exhaust rate , 2 fans in 2 fans out, 1 fan inside blowing constant air around, and plenty of air holes and gaps where it breathes , just a hot summer over here, i actually put in new fans just for the summer and its still pretty hot, so only could imagine what if i didnt. but things are going good. i open the box door every now and then for a few hours at a time :)
it would be sucha hassle, maybe ill look in to it closer to the end !

DAY 27!!!!!! :) :)

just watered them right now, had to leave them an extra 24 hours with no water but they're still great :) dropped another 1/8th tsp. cal mag :) , next watering will contain some grow big and cal mag :D

DAY 29 guys!!! weres the comments and everyone at ?! anyways :) theyre both nice and green and healthy :) ! flipping the switch maybe in the next week !!!!

whit widow

project x

comments please!
Looking great, just like the last grow luiji.
Nice save and recovery. I don't know if it's just the lighting, but they look a bit pale like they could use a little more N the next watering.
i think its more so the lighting , and thank ricky ahahaha :)

DAY 30 ( for another 2 hours )

watering them tomorrow morning!!!! will add 1/8th tsp of grow big an cal mag, i might even transplant tomorrow im thinking!!!!! and get them to the final pots before i flick the switch in like 5 days :D

the widow is doing some funky recovery but shes def growing, and thats ALL that matters :) project x is my prize award winner so far, cant wait to see her flower!!!!!

white widow

project x

:) everyone seemed to of disappeared :(