Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
I use it every time i water or feed, every time. Yours probably wont need it yet everytime. I start when theyre a bit older and are growing faster and then just start to mix it in gradually and then dont stop until right before harvest. Hey if you get a chance you should subscribe to the whats for dinner tonight thread. Post some food pics for me, i smoked salmon and pork chops tonight and i have a home made pumpkin pie going on there later ;) food porn and bud porn all in the same place :):):)
alright no problem, ya i see that it gives nitrogen as well which is good in the veg stage for sure. just gotta be careful with it, and haha alright dude - will do tonight when i get home from work, in the meantime i got some afternoon photos for ya ;)

DAY 33 No Water ( the cal mag seems to of done wonders over night hahaha - Im taking a clone tomorrow :)

:) enjoy these ones


Well-Known Member
I posted this for another guy, so dont worry if its weird :):):)

Yup lst is going to help you with IDW. Otherwise shell out grow everyone else. And for the clones. Im glad you went with the rapid rooter rather than rock wool, its so much easier.
For the clones..
make sure theyre not on a cold floor. If the floors good temp no worries if thats where they are. Dont drown them. Mist the plugs every now and then but dont keep em soaked. No nutes for 15 days at least, then a tiny amount, itty bity. If the soil has nutes then wait till later. They should take 15 days to show roots about, 8s good but thats not that common. Usually around 12ish. Let them grow good roots before transplanting, dont jump the gun. They will wilt, when they do they need a spray of water on the leaves, that will make them perk back up in no time. In the first few days like five about, i mist mine alot. Probly five times or more if they need it. After that they can be misted less. After about a week - 8 days i start opening vents on my dome, i have three and i start with one a crack and then gradually open more untill theyre all open to break them in for full air time. You will need to watch them closely while you are adjusting them to the lower humidity fresh air, when the vents are open youll still need to mist them. Theyll droop still. I still close them off for the night with a spray at this point. When youve done a couple days of fresh air in there its time to take the dome right off. Check the underside of the clones. A couple may have poked roots out already. Around day 6 is when i pour a little film of water on the bottom of the container (sorry to back track) that they are sitting on. Then they will start to realize where the water is and search it out with roots. Id say by day 17 you should be transplanting. Hmm other stuff...when you mist the top of the dome just do it lightish no need to go crazy. Dont put fans on them right away. Dont pick up the container to check for roots till later on, if you move them lots you could mess em up.

They take alot of care And attention from my experience, some say differently but this is my take on it. It looks like you did a really good job with them, theyre cut back nicely and theyre a good height. They should do great. Heres mine, theyre about 14 days, a little sombody deleted my calander on my ipadbut i think ill get ten out of eleven, some are short but i had a disaster and didnt have much plant to work with. :):):)


Well-Known Member
yea my box is made with a floor , so the temp will be the same as the room - thanks for all the clone advice thing is for the fans ( i only have one box, turning them off would effect my other plant, as for a humidity dome, i dont really have room for that , i would have to makeshift something . im just taking the one, idk how its gunna work but it will be a learning experience if anything ;) and haha , i was thinkin to my self.. i didnt take no fucking clones yet.. and were the hells ur pics , but remembered it was for someone else hahaha ! thanks dude! ! ! i just got off work and read all that, and figured - u deserve another couple pictures :)

heres toDAY 33 (still) - No Water : 10:40pm



Well-Known Member
Day 34 , okay last night everything was perfect . this morning i noticed a tiny bit of brown spots on the leaves ( it look like som dirt might of got on top, but i went to brush it off and it looks like its on the leaf ) i think the cal mag might of slightly burned the poor girls once again ( i used the minimum req tho ) maybe ill reduce in to half of what i used last time.. so there will be no errors, here is some pictures - nothing to serious it looks like but i would like some answers!

its only on a few locations, but i would hate for it to blow up . ps. i checked them at 10am this morning, and then now at 3:20pm ( no difference ) so thats good at least

plese coments!


Well-Known Member
Dont take the clone yet, shes still too small, you should wait till you can get one thats four inches long :) if ya got onr that long yur good though. We should skype tommorow pm :):):)


Well-Known Member
Dont take the clone yet, shes still too small, you should wait till you can get one thats four inches long :) if ya got onr that long yur good though. We should skype tommorow pm :):):)
my buddys coming over , ill see what he says about the clone , i want to get it going while as small as possible so it can hopefully catch up. and what u mean if ya got on that long your good. ? we will skype tomorrow for sure, what u think about the leaves tho?


Well-Known Member
lmao i took the clone.. i figured - ive come so far with this, i realy dont care this whole time around is a complete educational experience! , cloning nute burn all the goods. but heres some pics, hopefully all is well :)



Well-Known Member
Ok she looks nice lil buddy. Now remove some more of the leaves so they look like this...if you insist on keeping those lower leaves cut them down short. This takes away the leaf functions and makes it work more on rooting.



Well-Known Member
nice pick ninja, and thanks blumpkin.. but i got some bad news ... lmfao my clones dead i think , i did everything properly idk wat happened tho, its weird ill have a picture up soon . ninja skype me brother


Well-Known Member
lmfao, yea boys total failure with the clone, i even bought the spray bottle but i think it was like 16 hours to late :P . anyways here is some pictures of the devil fruit ( all i got .. once again) . i think this is looking like a 1 plant grow this time :( ... u think i could germ and sprout a seed and catch up kinda thing in height? ... as long as no errors and stunts are made ?

Day 36 (4th day no water) - will be watering tomorrow most likey (probably not gunna use the cal mag this watering, gunna have her grow a little then giver)

Light is 1 & 1/4 inch exactly above plant

Nice and green, that burn stopped spreading pretty quickly, can barely notice it now :)

Still as tiny bit smaller than an average BIC lighter....

Enjoy pics , comments please :)


Well-Known Member
Yup, id say one plant grow. It took you 36 days to get her as big as a lighter dude lol Dont worry, your about to expirience the concept of its not how many plants you have, its how much light you have. Youll just have to veg her a little longer, maybe replant her one more time and LST a little harder. Its also going to be a little harder to find the sweet spot on when to flip her but youll be fine lil bro. I aint goin no where and next time you go tryin to be a wild man and ninja chop down clones or somthin else crazy, skype me first, not after when yur goin oh boy, ninjas gonna laugh at me lol :):):)


Well-Known Member
lmaoo!! well 1 plant it is then , im gunna figure a way to stress it better, last time i just tied it to holes i made in the rim of the bag, by the end it was a mess tho.. imm gunna see about putting a string around the pot and then tie to that. i wanna get an even tie so bud mass is distributed properly ;) i wanna top it a few more times to but we will see, last time i shoved the girls in to flowering on day 49 LOL heres some old memories

WEEK 5 ( great white shark previous grow ) - veg state

DAY 49 ( great white shark ) - day before i popped in to flowering

LMAO , my lights are so far up :P

and they were so tiny, so we will see what this has in store for me !! ps. heres a picture right now ;)

DAY 36 - 11:45pm (DEVIL FRUIT)



Well-Known Member
lmao, ps. 19 days ago my plant looked like this

(sorry for the back flashes .. haha thought it would be funny tho )

enjoy , and comment please :D!


Well-Known Member
aw no comments from last night :(

anyways heres today - i started my LSTING finally, also i gave her a liter of fresh water ( no nutes or anything this morning ) looking good!!!

DAY 37 , 1:20pm



Well-Known Member
Fn unsub button and my fat fingers! She looks good dude :):):):) temps are good too. Whats she jump to when you have both lights on? Eventually you should run both if the temps are still good. Dual spectum, double the light. Oh shiiiit bro ;) oh, what the heck happened to the pics on your first thread? I was trying to show my mom your growing "style" lol and it looks like you deleted them :(:(:( ninja disaproves. I liked that thread. Remember when those dicks were talkin shit about your plants and ninja gave em a karate chop in the face? Man it seems like it was yesterday. Time flies when your havin fun...just got my three thousandth post. Im glad it was here. Cheers little broski :):):)