Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
LATE NIGHT UPDATE!!! DAY 75 now cause its 12:21AM here - lights shut off in 45 minutes. pics were taken 5 minutes ago, 3rd day no water today - will be watering tomorrow at 1:30pm shortly after lights come on!

pistils are everywhere!!!! will have pictures of them tomorrow ( didnt wanna pull the plant out tonight) anyways here are some late nighters for u guys :D enjoy

budding areas are become a lot more noticeable every day! stay tuned for pics in exactly 13 hours :D cheers!


Well-Known Member
I see alot of green bro, it takes alot of brass to not water when she looks low like that. Im sure you have the best vantage point but i cant wait to see what a good water does for her. Im ready to take a tennis racquet to mine cause theyre all whit pistals again. Buds are like tennis balls and they just wont finnish. I just know its going to go amber the weekend i dont look lol. Email me tommorow an ill hit you back w details on that nute line we talked about from my friends bosses cell phone ;) :):):)


Well-Known Member
Looking great man. How long you think until complete? I'm putting pics up of mine in just a min
Just a guess, but id say 71 days from flip. Ive seen her genes go short so it could be a fast burn. I hate to say it, but, the shark he had is going to be tough to beat. I hope that she buttons it up. I have a good feeling, i just hope that she has the spread and roots to hold 6-9 zips wet. Your box will hold it but she has to grow it still. Next time i bet youll go organic dirt, even if its from a good natural dirt supplier. Its simple and you dont use as much nutes.....fact....:):P


Well-Known Member
karma where are those pics man !! lmao and yea around what ninja said !!! i wasnt able to water last nigght but soon as those lights turn on im gettin in there. hit me up with a msg, ill have some pics up in a bit!


Well-Known Member
i can in about 40 minutes, i got some pictures here for u guys, just watered 1.25L 1/4tsp cal mag

DAY 75 - pistils are here for u guys :D

will take some tonight if i have time to see the difference of before and aftter water!!

ps. i took the flash off for most of the pictures so you can see the actual green im seeing :)

see shes nice and green guys, just the nitrogen def. but i really think i cant fix the problem now.. il ljust have to deal with it ( like last time ) ... next time ill be sure to nitro it up with out burning anything ( hopefully ) !! enjoy the pics!!! ninja , ill be on skype in like half hour


Well-Known Member
Damn she's looking nice. Looks pretty similar to what I've got going on. Check out my profile man the post is called first t5 scrog


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy, and post a link for uss would ya !! hahaha im dieing to see it. cant find it on the forum


Well-Known Member
looks great brother, i got some pics here for u guys - DAY 75 still... now look at her after that watering :D:D:D everything seems to be going great. !!!

this picture below was this morning.. look at the difference :D!

enjoy boys!


Oh shit this is pretty recent huh lol, your plants look awesome man, I kind of had a similar problem with overnuting and ended up trimming n stuff but urs came out hella nice round n fat :joint:

This is my first grow :D


Well-Known Member
haha thanks halriq ur link is broken tho , the pcitures were takn last night, ninja what do u mean?


Well-Known Member
I mean i dont think shes gonna hit over two dry all by herself :( it just doesnt look like shes doing what the shark was doing. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
im gunna go over some old pictures, and make a HUGE update for u guys today. i think im pretty on track with the shark dude.... i think i actually have almost twice as many tops this time around. remeber also it did most of its growing in flowering,, now i have gotten a full root system, 3 transplants and nice growth for veg. hopefully everything goes okay.. i really hope at least a zip dry! thats my main goal anything more would be awesome


Well-Known Member
DAY 76 (total days) DAY 13 (flowering)

buds are coming along nicely, and the smell is beautiful so far. cant wait to touch those buds. ps. ninja the shark is a strain MADE to get high yeilds off of. but the devil fruit still has it in its genes so who knows what will happen, howd ur shish turn out?? high yeild or what?? maybe i might be in luck.. here is all the pics, at the very bottom will be the white shark plant on day 14 flower compared to this one on day 13 of flower




my plant right now is bigger than the white shark was.... but look day 18 of flowering the white shark, she BLEW UP!!

so maybe, ill have a big growth spurt in the devil fruit... one more time , below is a repeat picture of today

and the white shark again

enjoy please some comments !!!


Well-Known Member
my plant is much bigger now, i just looked at all the pics again i just posted, im sure u would say the same. also my bag is 2.5 times as big, so way more roots. i think the ending product will be awesome! cant wait :D


Well-Known Member
Well now that i see it next to the other pics it does look bigger. I just hope it keeps getting taller during flower. The GWS seemed to keep stretching for a long ass time. It seemed like it was stretching for longer than usuall. Maybe this one will do the same thing, we can hope right. You should definatly get a zip. My guess is 38 grams dry. I just dont think itll hit the two zip mark. It might if it does what GWS did and just never stop getting bigger forevaar. Well see bro, only time will tell now right? :):):)