Luiji's BACK - 672w CFL closet grow (Devil's Fruit, White Widow & Mystery Seed)


Well-Known Member
i sure did! whats with the 'nitro def?' in flowering? weird! haha.. what nutes are you using atm?


Well-Known Member

@Melbs92 ill post them for you shortly after this update brother! THey are posted throughout the forum tho maybe 2-3 times, even some pics if you have time to search through/

Anyways here is a nice big update for you guys :D

Devils Fruit x 2

White Widow x 3

Mystery x 1

Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
DAY 66, DAY 28 FLOWERING ( 2 up dates back to back ) little one here

Building a little nursery/veg box. !! Post some updates of that too, hope everyone is well! Holiday time soon!



Well-Known Member
SORRY GUYS, Been a while. Lots of work for christmas time but here we go on a quick update!!!

Day 72 TOTAL , Day 34 FLOWERING (Maybe another 24-28 days I'm thinking before they are done/

Will be leaving in 3-4 days of darkness at the end of flower to build resin content(been hearing about this so going to try it)

White widow

Devils fruit



Well-Known Member
Another update ! Make sure you check out the previous one!


Started LST about 2 days ago on my Devils fruits! Just watered with nutes before the pictures ( THey were taken 12 hours ago)

OU almost forgot, Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Anyways here is a few more pictures, will have some more up on Sunday or Monday :)

Best looking White widow!!!

Devils fruits



Well-Known Member
merry christmas bud. i was going to call you but it was too late when i thought of it. nice to see all the green in those girls still. its funny how some strains after about the third week of flower just start yellowing up, especially the fan leaves in the middle. now if all the leaves turn yellow before week 5 you know theres a problem but all seems pretty good so far.


Well-Known Member
@Alienwidow miss you bro, Merry Christmas. I work everyday like 11 hours, Im usually available 9am-noon or after midnight . Call me tomorrow around 8pm tho, day off!

Bro, im pretty happy so far, a little upseting on the small tiny ones, i thought I would have more buds or at least much bigger.. I mean i still have 25-30 daysish left so hopefully they boost up.

In my tiny box i racked up like 2.5 ozs in 110 days total. So i was hoping for atleast a quarter pound this time around, seein its 4x the size and like 5x the amount of light... plus way better set up but who knows./
I did neglect them a little bit this run, a few times they went an extra day or so without water, hence all the weird stuff going on on a few of them. Next time I think i might just do 2 big ones , stretch them out , lst and longer veg time, with bigger pots

I never new that happens on some strains, just thought ive been doing something wrong like under nuting.

And yea I think they are doing alright, I should have pictures up tomorrow night, or Monday afternoon.


Well-Known Member
well theres a million different ways you could run it. i mean you could buy an airstone and a net pot and try a dwc girl too. the thing about a new growing environment is that it always takes a run or two to figure out what the best way to make her put out the best is. you know like with women, theres one kind of liquor that usually makes a girl get totally white girl wasted and suck your dick like a 5 dollar hooker. its all trial and error. my last run i grew a blue strain way to big and realized that by doing that all i accomplished was spending more money than i had to in lights and food. it didn't really put much more in the bag even though it was way bigger. I finally decided to just split it all up into tables and individual lights if i have to in the future. but this is like four runs in and I'm just starting to get things figures out. granted I'm doing it a bit bigger than you, but you know what i mean. my first run i had no a/c for a while and the plants got way to big before they went in. and then when that a/c fired up and i switched em and they exploded i learned a lot about what my room can handle.... remember, watts equals weight, not how many plants you have or how big they are. since you do have so much more room in there id just let them veg longer. you know that you can control them, you've done it before in much tighter conditions so this should be a walk in the park for you. fill that fucking canopy up next run and then flip em. aim for a forest of green in there before you flip, wait until your scared. that'll show you what that space is capable of. and ya, you've gone through the size building phase and now your on to the weight building phase. so don't expect them to grow much bigger, they will for the next weekish but then its all weight from there. you should be like at the peak of your ppm feeding spike right now too so if you haven't been, id push them a little on the next feed. you might get one more nice pop outta them. ttyl bro. text me whenever, I'm always up late and ill call you back.


Well-Known Member
What DWC , i got research that more on some spare time, I have holidays Jan 1-5. and LMFAO ya i totaly hear you. I gotta find a great strain too, i have a few more of the same seeds, but I wanna try something new.. been doing these strains for like 2 years. And yaa fo sho. I only got limited space, and just figuring out where to put my little veg box now too. Okay dude sounds great, well ill get in touch with you in the next few days for sure. thanks for the long message. Im gunna be watering them tomorrow as soon as I wake up, ill throw up some pics and if i have some time ill shoot you a call. Take care brother.


Well-Known Member
Day 79 TOTAL, Day 41 Flowering ( Another 3-4 weeks or so ) !
Gunna feed em hard the next 2-3 weeks then flush the last week, then pop them in to 5 days or so of darkness after all that.

Then chop, dry and cure :) Will keep ya posted fo show anyways her are some pics!



Well-Known Member
ya man, i started getting that yellowing too now a little bit on a couple plants but i know hjow this shit works. once you start to see it in mid bloom its only time until they all yellow out. i just smashed em with more nutes thinking it may be under feeding and if it is then i don't want to go down without a fight. id rather over feed than under. maybe its over feeding though. idk call me tonight


Well-Known Member
i figured it out bro, i was feeding too little. i dint know that i needed to be feeding like every other watering in the sunshine. i got a little yellowing but its not too bad. i caught it in time.


Well-Known Member

Nice update here, i think the devils fruits will be done in like 10 days or something... which is kinda awful cause i need to time them to end so i can use the box to dry them in.

The widow is taking its time but maybe 2-3 weeks. and The mystery looks like its just half way through fackin flowering lmao... anyways for some sweet pics!

Dont mind the hanging leaves.. left them alittle elong with out water again ... friken work all the time man its brutal . Next time around im changing up the ligh shced so it works for me better Should be firing up by the endof january for sure!

We will start with the Devils fruits!

White Widows

and the Mystery



Well-Known Member
ahh get the fuck outta here, those things are just bulking up, they still got a while left bro. theres a ton of white hairs left on em still lol. oh and if your worried about drying in your box, just grab another box. like a real cardboard one. they don't seal too tight so you'll get enough air moving in there. lots of guys use cardboard boxes. call me tonight if you aint getting yo bang on lol


Well-Known Member
You think so? I sware flowering is around 60 days ?! The mystery is pretty much all white hairs, but the other ones are givener.. im gunna keep it going obviously, im tryna get my thc scope back from my buddy. I ll give u a call in an hour or so if i can


Well-Known Member
You think so? I sware flowering is around 60 days ?! The mystery is pretty much all white hairs, but the other ones are givener.. im gunna keep it going obviously, im tryna get my thc scope back from my buddy. I ll give u a call in an hour or so if i can
fuck it ill call you if you aint doin anything.


Well-Known Member
Fack dude i always miss your calls, i was sleeping that time last night dude my bad, Was my bday on the 2nd!!


Well-Known Member
good, another year older means you got smarter and farther ahead. and yes, you have lots of more flower time. those girls are still in bulking phase. they'll make you happy yet i bet.
i hear the oilers are doing pretty bad this year, hows the canucks and the east coast teams doing so far? Calgary doesn't count cause they suck lol.