I actually wrote a paper on Astral Projection for 7th grade English and methinks the backlash may be my hesitation still but you have sparked my interest again!
I had a dream in 2000 living in Atlanta that I was driving the Perimeter to work and my Jeep got clipped resulting in 360's from the left lane all the way to the right.
In 2005 I was driving the 8 in San Diego and got clipped going nearly 90 straight into the median and then guess what? yup 360's all the way to the grass. Besides the fact I didn't hit anyone else and suffered only shock, a bad back and whiplash I was amazingly calm during the crash, I remember it crystal clear. I think that is normal though, it's a sense that there is nothing to be done plus I'm not afraid of death like most. But of course the wtf factor is I fucking dreamed my accident years before it happened!
So this type of 'dream' must be ???
Well, this is why I'm in the middle. I practice. I experience. I just can't say the lingo anymore. But, I don't reject anything.
The latest in Causality studies, is the entire concept is located solely in what we call macro-Reality. We, our minds eye, provides Causality. In fact, if there is one thing that can't be proved to my level of understanding, it is this. Since the Mind creates the macro-Reality, it is Causing it to occur in a preciptble way. Preception is Conception. And many of particle physics guys are beginning to understand that they are not de-constructing Atoms, ie, smashing them. They are creating particles out of energy fields and thus Causing the particles to exist.
So, the mind is not material and so not subject to Time. The Mind causes Time to exist. It is to me, having experienced pre-cognition enough to count on it, it's my own Self surfacing what IT can see beyond the macro.
But, Self or Super-Consciousness is not even considered by most. it's mis-labeled the sub-conscious and is related to base desires and fears, etc. Maybe so. But there is the Super one also, in my experience.
For most, it's either the acceptance or denial of Religion. That's as far as many can grasp, and rightly so.