Lucas formula using fox farm ocean forest soil


Active Member
Ok I was wondering if someone could help me customize a feeding schedule using the Lucas formula and the FF ocean forest soil. First of all the Lucas formula is for RO water? Mh tap water is already at about 270 ppm plus whatever the soil has in it already. Should I do something more like 0-4-8 for vegging? Or should I go even lower considering it's in soil and my water is already at 270 ppm? Whatever you think I should tailor the Lucas formula to in order to suit my needs, should I work my way up to the 0-4-8?(or whatever it might be??) And do I feed every other watering using the Lucas formula? I know I'm asking for a lot but please help!!! Thanks

here's the original Lucas formula for veg and flower

G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom)
0-5-10 - For Vegetative cycle (18/6)
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12)


Active Member
you can use the flora series in soil. I know people who have used the lucas formula in soil, I was just wondering what the ratios would be using tap water with a ppm of 270. I would assume instead of using the regular 0-5-10 for veg, I would do something like a 0-4-8 or maybe even a 0-3-6. I am also using T5HO, 4 foot 6 lamp. Any info please!!!!!