Lucas Formula and Promix? Good idea?

I'd like to try the Lucas Formula out with Promix BX (amended with a bit of perlite and that's it).

I don't have a res. I mix the nutes and hand water.

I'm looking to dial down a basic setup and then possibly experiment with additional supplements once I've got that figured out.

My base is tap water with about 100ppm. I have some CalMag that I can throw in if it's advised. I was thinking like 2-3ml a gallon (raises the ppm to about 200).

I'm planning on using the Lucas Formula as follows:

0-5-10 (ml/gallon) - For Vegetative cycle (18/6) (400w MH)
0-8-16 (ml/gallon) - For Flowering cycle (12/12) (600-1000w HPS)

What should be my pH going in and coming out? I was thinking 5.8 in. Not sure what I should expect with the run off ph.



Active Member
If I'm not mistaken u want soild to be around 6.8 I run the same promix with perlite 30% and 10% vermiculite, and some mycorhizae always it works wonders. I myself have just started growing again and I am using strips so my readings are that accurate good enough for now my ladies are very lush and have vigorouse growth. Shoot me a PM if u have any questions bcz where running the same soil mix I use ADVANCE NUTRIENTS for my line of nuts hands best of the market just imho


Active Member
I've been using promix bx, I stopped checking ph tbh since most of my problems seem to have been related to underfeeding rather than lockout. I just keep everything below 1.5 EC (750ppm gauged by a hanna meter). Run off has always ended up within a few points of neutral regardless of what went in. For promix I hear ph is 5.8 veg, 6.3 flower but I've been doing fine without really checking (might be luck).

@harley Advanced I've seen work, but tbh I've been doing fine with 3 things from dyna-gro along with a sweetener and bloom booster. I'm about 2 weeks from harvest and this has been my most rewarding grow yet.