Lst ????


Well-Known Member
I didn't start lst'ing the girls in the grow in my sig until they were about a foot tall. They have responded magnificently.


Active Member
Can you bend part of the plant without breaking it?
If you can, then you can LST, if you can't then you can't LST that area.

Just don't go overboard and try and force her in any extreme directions, unless she bends there easily.
If she only bends a little, you can still bend her a bit, then a bit more in a couple days, then a bit more... Until you have what you're after.


Well-Known Member
thats not true at all from my experience, if i didnt lst or tie down my sativas they get to stretchy, lst wont cause hermie its light stress. alot of people who grow tall sativas like myself constantly bend and shape the tops to keep a candycane look. anyway yea you can lst at all stages of life, like any training teqhnique...


Well-Known Member
You can LST any time, the only variable is how much you can train them and have it still be "low stress". Just be gentle and make sure you don't break anything you dont want to :)


tie them down broand just keeep training them around and theyii turn into monters with the right light and space!!