

Well-Known Member
my friend told me about bending last year and this year i am trying it in a limited way - i am wondering what there is to know about it? is there a resource somewhere? i want to know things like - will it make my plant produce more? is there a time to stop bending?

Carefully pull down the branches of your cannabis plant, or the whole plant, tye them down. You are now forcing them to grow horizontally. The nodes will start producing branches or buds that grow straight up. Bending should be done gradually to avoid pinching or snapping the stem. Use soft hemp string or cloth to secure the branch or stem loosely when tying down to minimize damage to the soft stems. Growth is slowed for awhile as the cannabis plant adjusts to the shock of being bent. This is a good technique to maximize space in a small grow room.


Well-Known Member
You are going to laugh at yourself when you realize how little there is to it. I know I did.

All I did was this:

LST single2.jpg


Well-Known Member
cool - thank you very much!
i managed to snap some stems and splinted them back.. i now know that it can be a gentle bend at first..
so - i should probably stop bending around flowering so that it does not lose steam growth wise?
you want your bend to be early where the stems are soft and flexible where as in the late flowering periods it is harder to bend to a desired state because it might snap, although it is possible to still bend in the flowering period


Well-Known Member
Mine slipped out of those zip ties after about 10 days on there own and became the 4th or 5th "top" along with the others. And 9 days after that:

Round2 2week veg.jpg


Well-Known Member
you want your bend to be early where the stems are soft and flexible where as in the late flowering periods it is harder to bend to a desired state because it might snap, although it is possible to still bend in the flowering period
ya - actually last year, it was too late when my friend explained LST except for one rogue plant - Black Label Master Kush went on into december so i trained it along a fence line and it made a huge sideways sweep with new colas - only problem was the bud was awful - nasty stemy crap - later i read that they want a more temperate zone - here they were getting snow on them before they were ready..

i also trained some branches down and through the garden fence - then one day i came to the garden and all of those buds were gone! i panicked for a few minutes until i realized they were clearly bitten off by deer because they were exposed to the outside yard.. lol.. oops..

one more thing - i have been training my side branches down and out - is that good or am i wasting my time?
training your branches down and out is fine. what it will do is allow sunlight to reach all aspects of that stem/branch. which will then allow for upward growth at the budsites on that stem/branch. kinda like a mini cola