Lst tie down beginner tips


Active Member
Yeah I knowww I fuckkkedd uppp I was scared to top and had terrible stunted growing, and environment problems so everything was growing close together and small butit's about 2 and a half months old since germed


Well-Known Member
Actually a nice job and healthy plant. As long as you left slack in your attaching loops? It will be fine. In need of some defol for air flow and avoidance of other later issues. But my style. Nice job. Let her breath.


Active Member
Let's just say it sat at 20% humidity after it came outta the red solo cup for about a month and went from 65-90 most days then I got a small humidifier and I added a "fresh air intake just a random fan with some diy floor plastic that I turned into a duct and couldnt afford an out take so I just made a decent size hole for air to flow out a little closer towards the bottom but now it's in my closet the whole inside is plastic wrapped with a 600watt led about 10 inches above the light cant really go up much higher.. I feel like I'm going to run into some major issues with how this is growing and I'll have to double check on the slack in the loops in the morning I didnt snap anything thank god but I will for sure check the slack but thanks Michi!


Active Member
Any tips on how I can prevent it from growing through the roof or will it naturally fill in the room based on how well its sealed up?.. this is my first inside grow and I'm winging it so fuckin hard lol


Well-Known Member
Let's just say it sat at 20% humidity after it came outta the red solo cup for about a month and went from 65-90 most days then I got a small humidifier and I added a "fresh air intake just a random fan with some diy floor plastic that I turned into a duct and couldnt afford an out take so I just made a decent size hole for air to flow out a little closer towards the bottom but now it's in my closet the whole inside is plastic wrapped with a 600watt led about 10 inches above the light cant really go up much higher.. I feel like I'm going to run into some major issues with how this is growing and I'll have to double check on the slack in the loops in the morning I didnt snap anything thank god but I will for sure check the slack but thanks Michi!
I love it. Grew plants sideways in a file cabinet drawer living with my mom. She smelled the second grow. I spent another 30+ years growing in the closet. Glad that is over.

I'm assuming a photo? Just top at 1/2 your max light clearance and flip. 3 weeks to trim as needed. 2 after that to be very delicate. Then hands off.


Active Member
Yup its a photo, should I turn the veg off since I'll be so close to the light? Or should I give it full power and a bigger humidifier along with an oscillating fan to keep things from getting too hot up top?

Severed Tongue

Well-Known Member
Yea dont be afraid to top it anytime through veg. It will grow back. You can also do super crop where you pinch the main stem to soften it then just bend it over the same you LST.

Less light or far away light will cause stretchy growth. Closer or more intense causes bushy growth.


Well-Known Member
Yup its a photo, should I turn the veg off since I'll be so close to the light? Or should I give it full power and a bigger humidifier along with an oscillating fan to keep things from getting too hot up top?
I'd use the full spectrum and wattage. Just watch for light stress. And keep lights as close to canopy as they are happy with. Helps with stretch and maximizing regular light outputs. And always AIR FLOW!


Active Member
This was before I tied it down but things seem a little crowded up top and growin slow I've been very slowly defoliating like 8 leaves a week lol 4 big around mid and upper mid then 4 small around the bottom but I'm not sure how much I can chop I did 2 big ones today it's been 2 days since I've cut about 4 offUSER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_MSGR_PHOTO_FOR_UPLOAD_1614401322194_6771289923288848308.jpeg


Active Member
I will make sure to get air out and in, I definelty dont want anything to disease the plant! And that's crazy I've never even heard of pinching and bending I'm definetly trying that soon but I will also defienlty try to clone the top that would be pretty dope if I could get that to work


Well-Known Member
I will make sure to get air out and in, I definelty dont want anything to disease the plant! And that's crazy I've never even heard of pinching and bending I'm definetly trying that soon but I will also defienlty try to clone the top that would be pretty dope if I could get that to work
I have a simple but complete cloning guide in my journal if in need of a good method.


Severed Tongue

Well-Known Member
I have a simple but complete cloning guide in my journal if in need of a good method.

"Fer Rednecks" ...... hey that's me