LST, this decent?


Active Member
Hey all... well its been a pretty hectic week from a bulb falling on one side of the plant and my humidity being below 15%.... getting ALOT better in the past 3 days ... was using cfls ... a decent amount but i finally made the switch to hps/mh 400w and love it! Plants look alot more perky... but anyways I have my main plant starting to finally grow taller and figured i'd lst it...just wondering if it looks ok or should i strech it a bit more ...etc ... comments welcomed!

new to this never done it before.. first grow


Hey drizzlej looking good. With my unique space requirements I love lst. Here is what I have learned and I'm always learning, hopefully until the day I die... When we tie down the TOPS of our plants, also known as the apical tip, this shifts growth auxins (IAA) to the next highest tip creating a new apical tip, also affecting each bud site and branch it passes along the way. This allows even plump flowerig across the whole plant. So by manipulating the top of the plant we can allow the plant a few things which are even light penetration and canopy, and a sharing if you will of the growth hormone stretched across the plant. This is a great way to maximize yield in a small space or tame a lanky sativa. Hopes this helps!


And you can let it stretch if you want if it makes it easier to work with just keep in mind the older she gets the harder her stems will get. This can make training difficult sometimes depending how old she is.


Active Member
k thanks for the help! and ya her stem seems to keep getting stronger... since seedling she has had one blowing on her so im guessing thats y... just glad its doing soo well after getting a good portion burnt...:D

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
hey, not to be funny but you should focus more oh a healthy plant than training it. plants definitely looks like its being burnt or a bad case of salt build up that is causing it to look burnt.
hit me up if you're really looking for any helpful tips.

also, if you're going to lst, i would suggest you take tie the tip down to the middle of the main stem as oppose to the container it's in.


Active Member
burnt from a bulb yes lol the side u dont see is almost bare, but took care of it and after 2-3 days its perkier than before it was burnt lol. K might let her go a couple more days than start lst again thanks ill try it that way ... been trying to find some more vids on it theirs countless ways it seems

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
tbh, i would let them get bigger before i start lsting. and what i meant by burnt, it looks like they could be overfed or ph is out of balance and causing salt build up.


Active Member
ya gonna wait on it since i got my hps/mh she seems to be growing pretty steady as for ph I have a cheap one that says its a little lower than 7.0 but i dont trust it i get my new meter monday and for nutes i've been using fish emulsions 5-1-1 (mixed with distilled water) barely any so be shocking if it was from that since my soil doesn't have much nutes to begin with. ALSO when I lst usually only do it for a week or so right or less? was gonna let her grow some more than start 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the start of LST to me! Good job, I'de let it grow up a bit more, and start the twisting of that stem circular. I've always wondered clockwise or counter, probably doesnt matter though lol.