LST screwup


Well-Known Member
What happens when u tie the string too tight, and it actually cuts into the plant.

The branch isn't actually like snapped off, but it dug in maybe halfway into the branch? i can't get the string untied from the plant without snapping the branch off, so i just snipped the ends off, and the tied string is just inside the branch.

Will this kill the branch? The branch is still. Around 50 percent of its tissue is still connected. The string just broke the outer layer and is digging in. What can i do? I can't get the string out, because it's like straight up lodged into the branch.

Will the plant just grow over the string? Or should i just cut the branch off and attempt a clone.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the plant will repair itself by growing around the string. if you cant get it out without further damage then just leave it. you could try to clone it. all up to you.


Well-Known Member
Quick, trim the end and stick it in a cup of water, if you want to save it.

There are all sorts of methods out there that don't involve tying string directly to the branch. I use a rubber band around my planter and pipe cleaners (100 for $1 at the Dollar Store) . Bend a small V in the end of one, pull down your branch and stick the other end of the pipe cleaner in the rubber band. Pull down as needed. You'll never hurt the plants this way.

If you must use sring or twine, you can tie a loop in the end bigger than the stem diameter and pull down that way.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
just cut with a clean sterilized razor blade and pull off, if you can... but if not it'll be the same as "supercropping"..thats where you pinch/squeeze the stem slightly damaging it to slow upward growth to control height.....


Well-Known Member
thx for the replies guys. repped all.

Can i keep this clone in 12/12? have no other place to put it.

am i even supposed to keep it under a light? I read on a thread that freshly cut clones should be put under shade.


Active Member
thx for the replies guys. repped all.

Can i keep this clone in 12/12? have no other place to put it.

am i even supposed to keep it under a light? I read on a thread that freshly cut clones should be put under shade.
I keep mine in a dome with 24hours of light