LST really this simple?


Well-Known Member
Wife and I decided to try our hands at LST last night on our second run. Wife handed me the glue gun, I grabbed some zip ties and headed into the room. By the time she got in there, I was done. I think. Is this really all there is to this technique?

LST dual.jpgLST single2.jpg



Well-Known Member
lookin good. i usually top the plants at the 4th or 5th node and then start my LST with the 2 new tops and do the sides as needed.

lookin good! good luck!



Well-Known Member
I actually did top them about 3 days ago then bent them over last night. These girls are growing a lot faster than my first go'round and I still have 3-4 weeks until I can move them.


Well-Known Member
I don't actually know what LST is...
Low Stress Training ;)

I actually did top them about 3 days ago then bent them over last night. These girls are growing a lot faster than my first go'round and I still have 3-4 weeks until I can move them.
do u know what strain your working with? it could help with planning/anticipating for the size and growth of the (hopefully) ladies ;)



Well-Known Member
I have 6 PowerKush and 3 Babylonia Fruit in veg right now as some PurpleKush and Train Wreck finish up in the other room. Cut my teeth on that first batch learning this rdwc thing and had to drag them through 5 weeks of veg to get them to 15 inches. Planned on needing 4 weeks for the second batch but now that I have the system dialed, these things are growing like crazy. Might have to flip them under the 400 when it's time while the other batch finishes up. Not sure at this point. Hence why I am playing around with trying to learn how to train them.


Well-Known Member
heh those kushes will do that, its good you let it veg so long ;)

dont worry about your LST job, it looks fine ;) as soon as the lady grows again it will back up towards the light. ideally you are trying to create a somewhat flat and even canopy of tops, allowing the bottom branches to catch up to the top ones, and forcing the side branches (from the LST'd limbs) to become new tops themselves.
one time on one of my first projects, while trying to test my LSTing, i ended up with a lady that was 18inches high and almost 40inches wide. it was the goofiest thing you'd ever see, but i pulled just under 110g from her.



Well-Known Member
Now that's what I am talking about. I didn't do anything to that first batch except rescue them when needed. I did FIM them and they grew into cinder blocks. They are easily as wide as they were tall. Had to reconfigure the buckets just to give them some room. I can see where I am going to have a lot of lower, less dense buds as a result but I do have 3-6 tops per plant so I'm hoping to get some choice nugs out of them. Just need to work on maximizing them from now on.

View attachment 1640311


Well-Known Member
good luck to you buddy, thats all we can do is hope to learn a lil something from each project ;)


Sorry I'm abit of a newb trying to expand my understanding of LST and it's applications. I know it works well with photoperoid plants, but is it worth looking into if you're just growing a few autoflowers? Or would ScrOG be better option? Cheers boys


Well-Known Member
Wish I could answer your question dankus but I am definitely still in the "question asking" phase. I do think though that LST is part of SCROG or I guess you could FIM to SCROG.

See? I'll stick to just asking questions for now.........


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm abit of a newb trying to expand my understanding of LST and it's applications. I know it works well with photoperoid plants, but is it worth looking into if you're just growing a few autoflowers? Or would ScrOG be better option? Cheers boys
never ran autos, but as far as i know, the only difference is that you dont have to switch to 12/12. the purpose (at least for me) of LSTing is to increase yield while also maintaining control of the overall height of the lady, and making sure as many "tops" as possible are in full view of the light and not being blocked out by other parts of the lady.


Active Member
Personally I would back off on the plant in left of the pic, it looks like it's bent nearly 180 degrees. Which is adding more stress then needed, you just need to bend it enough so the top is lower then the next tallest off shoots. Which is normally just over 90 degrees, not to say that method won't work, but you'll get slower growth the more stress you add to the plant.


Well-Known Member
Personally I would back off on the plant in left of the pic, it looks like it's bent nearly 180 degrees. Which is adding more stress then needed, you just need to bend it enough so the top is lower then the next tallest off shoots. Which is normally just over 90 degrees, not to say that method won't work, but you'll get slower growth the more stress you add to the plant.
Music to my ears at this point. Wouldn't mind slowing them down a bit as I think I got these started a bit earlier than I needed.

I'll be sure to keep an eye on it though. Thanks!