LST Question


Active Member
I have 6 plants that I have been learning the ends and outs of LSTing...So I started thinking, If you were to plant your germ'd seed to 1 side of the pot (not in the center) and after say the 4th node and maybe a FIM ..that the plant would be easier to manage as in space wise?

any ideas or comments?


Well-Known Member
I'm not an expert at this, so correct me if I'm wrong...
To my knowledge, no. This wouldn't be a very good idea as the roots need to have an even space to grow and settle. Theoretically speaking, if you were to plant the seed on one side of the pot, then the roots would most likely end up getting tangled up and won't be able to settle in so easily (maybe even becoming rootbound because of this)... I'd say just plant your seed how you normally would...
As for the FIMing, from personal experience, yes it does make it a bit easier to LST your plant.


Well-Known Member
well I done it, with no ill effect, tho not directly in the corner, just a bit off center, to give me a little room to work with, did it when I made the repot from Cup`s to my Veg pot`s


Well-Known Member
sounds like an okay idea to me, you really only have to worry about plants getting root bound if they are mothers. Nice parrot btw


Well-Known Member
Hmm... I must have misunderstood then... "If you were to plant your germ'd seed to 1 side of the pot" can be interpreted in a lot of ways. I'm sorry for the misinterpretation.


Active Member
All good crank I made since of what ya said ...yea I was lookin at my little LST'd plants and Ive did alittle topping(trying to master the FIM)..and as I was lookin' I thought to myself.... " hey dude..why not plant to 1 side of the pot???" So I thought lets see what the bro's from RIU say!
I have 3 different sets of grows at the moment..the 1st being 5 weeks or so into flowering (2 plants just more or less dropped into soil and had no clue what I was doing but they are doing good)..2nd set is more bag seed but I didnt want to spend money on any seeds till I had atleast a good idea on what the f*** i was doing (working on lsting /nutes/fim/topping/ph)..the 3 set is 3 og kush and 3 critical..(btw all 6 have busted thru the soil) but I planted then in the center....
so on my next grow im going to off set the germ'd seeds alittle and see what happens


Active Member
Thanks OldG..yeah he my little buddy...saved him from being put to sleep ...
came from a abusive family..locked him up in his cage for the 1st 10 yrs of his life.
Ive had him 14 yrs and he only likes me..drinks beer and tea, coffee and what ever he wants
I kinda figure after that start in his life he can do wtf he wants lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Clayman, I had the same idea of planting the seedling off to the side so I could make tie-downs from the very beginning right along the edge of the pot until it made it full circle; HOWEVER, I decided against it, because this doesn't account for the side branching that will shoot out far away from that edge of the pot. I figured it would be more difficult to make tie-downs from those offshoot branches.

What I do is tie down a square piece of metal screen mesh (kind of like chicken wire but with half-inch square holes) over the top of the planting pot after I've transplanted the seedling. I use wire snippers to cut out a square within the mesh that is just big enough to fit over the top of the transplanted seedling. You want to also make sure this square you snip out is big enough so as not to obstruct the main stem which will thicken considerably during growth. After that, you have tie-down points every half inch across the entire top of your planting pot. For tie-downs, I use plastic-covered electrical wire of a gauge thick enough to hold its shape when bent into hooks. Good luck and hope this helps.