LST? Pruning? Clone questions as well.


First time grower using cfls and an ebb and flow hydro system. I am asking these questions n my own thread because my laptop failed so I use my iPhone to go online for now and it is very hard and time consuming to search out what I need to know on here. Thanks in advance for helping! I started my grow around 6-1-09 so almost 2 months vegging so far. I haven't pruned or anythng besides let them grow pretty much. Need to know about pruning and or lst for next crop as I imagne it's too late for that now. If by tell me please.
So here I am approaching my first flower and I'm quite anxious. I'd like to cut clones and flower those to lower chances of getting pollenated. Where on the plant should I cut my clones?? After cuttng them do I immediately put them under 12/12 light for flowering?? Once I determine sex and proceed to flower any girls are there any tips for controlling height?? My box I built is 4" wide x 4" tall x3.5" deep. My container is about 16 inches tall and light about 6" so I have about 2.5" for plant height. If needed I could cut a hole in the floor of my box and get that 16 back so I'll have 3.5 feet of vertical room. Please help. Pics coming asap. Oh btw I'm using various bag seeds from excellent weed I've gotten. It will all be good strains. Possibly Maui waui, kush, and purple haze. Again I really appreciate helping my grow endeavors!


thanks again for reading! I got through about the first four pages of your journal. Very good shit! But like I mentioned before I am using an iPhone to browse so it is very tedious. Am I too late for pruning?? I am going to get rooting gel and cut clones later today to determine e sex. I will do as u said and clip clones from lower branches. Anything I should do before flowering females that I find? I am a total newb and surprised I got this far. I will try to post pics in a few hours after I get off work (there now). I have about 20 plants from8-10 in tall. They are in a container about 3 x 2 think I failed to mention this earler. All healthy looking but some are growng huge fan leaves that cover lower branches and other plants too. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Ps I am growing for self use. I'll be happy if 4 of these plants are females. An ounce or two a month is all I need f it's good buds. Just trying to save money and n turn save my marraige cause I'll admit I spend a lot on weed.


Should I focus on the bigger stronger plants and remove the weaker of the bunch? Sorry so many questions just want to be able to say this worked out!!


Well-Known Member
Weaker plant's can end up beign a waste of space,i know it's hard but i usually chop
themand take them out to make room for the healthier plant's,weak plant's do not yield much
and generally form small crap flowers i used to leave them all in but now i am ruthless when
it comes to weak plants and kill them off!!!!


Well-Known Member
If I understand you correctly you have a mix that has not been sexed yet. Pulling the smaller plants is not a good idea at this point. The reason I say that is Males are generally the larger plants.

If you are now just going into flower you should expect your plants to stretch about 20 to 30% then slow down and bud In about two weeks. At that time you will see the sex of the plants. Thats when you pull the males. Probably the larger ones.

If you like you can take clones now. I usually take two from each. In your case I would suggest you get labels and label the plant and the clones so you can clean out the males and have nothing but females.

If you want several small plants put them under 12/12 and keep them there.
If you plan on vegging for a while for larger plants then go 18/6. Some growers go 24/7 but I believe the plant only uses 18 hrs anyway.

You can take cuttings once a plant starts to flower too. So if you want to make sure your clones are female go ahead and go 12/12 now and take clones after you sex them

The only difference is it takes a couple more weeks to root them.

Once you have established you have all female and you find you are running out of room then yes, pull the small weak ones.


Sorry I guess I left that out. I have been on 18/6 from the start. I am using 2 150 watt cfl bulbs. (150 actual watts not comparable to 150. The are huge) they are daylight spectrum 6500k. For flowering should I add additional bulbs? Was considering going to 4 bulbs. At a cost of 8 dollars each it's a cheap investment if it will increase it yield. Gonna get to a computer and show pics of my plants and my setup. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Optimal lighting would be two red to one blue.

What I mean by that is like two 2700k to one 6500k same wattage with the 6500k in the center if you have the room.

As I mentioned before lumens are more important then color but as you grow you will want to fine tune your setup. The lower color will get better trichomes production while the higher color will help with mass. Although I did very well with a 400w 4000k MH in the center and two 250w 2700k hps on the sides before.

Thats what makes growing indoors fun. Just about anything works, Its how can you improve from the basic thats interesting. Asking questions works but your really better off reading journals similar to what your doing. See what works and learn from other's mistakes.

Know before you grow. (its not as exciting though)