LST, How am I making out


Well-Known Member
thtat looks pretty good other than the stretching. are you doin the around the pot thing?


Well-Known Member
Well swear I see a piece of wire a paper clip maybe? Curled around the Bic pen. If so I would trade in the wire for some nice thick cotton twine. I would be afraid the wire would chafe it give it diaper rash etc. If that aint a wire I take all this back of course. Otherwise looks good. Did get stretchy huh?
Well swear I see a piece of wire a paper clip maybe? Curled around the Bic pen. If so I would trade in the wire for some nice thick cotton twine. I would be afraid the wire would chafe it give it diaper rash etc. If that aint a wire I take all this back of course. Otherwise looks good. Did get stretchy huh?

lol, ya it is but it doesnt actually even do anything. I previousely bent the plant down before and its kinda stayed in that position as long as the twine on the stake stays. As you can see i have used everything i could find in my house which also includes a purple pencil crayon as another post aswell haha:blsmoke: thanks for the feedback


Well-Known Member
how much were your plants shaded by trees??? did they get any sunlight??? i got mine in a place where they don't get a ton of sunlight but they do get some. I might have to move it now. The only problem is that they are not in pots they are planted in the ground. Hopefully they'll be ok. How soon did you notice they started to stretch?
how much were your plants shaded by trees??? did they get any sunlight??? i got mine in a place where they don't get a ton of sunlight but they do get some. I might have to move it now. The only problem is that they are not in pots they are planted in the ground. Hopefully they'll be ok. How soon did you notice they started to stretch?

well i tend to check on them every couple days. i planted them in a open area of a forest but what i didnt acount for is that the new leaves on trees would enclose the available sunlight. luckily for some reason when i first planted her i planted her in a "box" but with no bottom, to try and control wind so it wouldnt rip the stem out. Shes in full sunlight in a prarie. But to answer your question im not sure if necesaarily the more sun the better, but i know for a fact i have had more growth in the leaves then ever before. id recomend her getting full light if possible. :):eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey you should check my thread out (in my signature) i did LST and it looks like you have a plastic pot so you could probably do the LST same as I did with just yarn and cut a slit in the pot and stuff the ends of the yarn in the slit and it keeps it tight


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't mind having them in full sun the problem is that the only place i can keep em in full sun is in my backyard and we live in a upper lower duplex with shared back yards. The upstairs is the lanlords. I'm kinda screwed with that idea. I plan on buying a grow tent for the winter tho.