lst for many tops or sog?


Well-Known Member
sog or scrog? either way go for it!! either one is designed to increase yield with small spaces, scrog is another form of lst anyways so expand away :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man , a buddy of mine swears by scrog, hes been at it a few years and hes tried most methods, he gets bout 1.1, 1.2 per
on a 600 watt. on 1 sq/m, although he did say it was kinda hard to get to that stage but once u get the feel and the eye for it its the best way to produce on a small scale.


Well-Known Member
From personal experience it adds 1-2mnths veg time but the end result is worth it.
I usually go with an extra 4 weeks and the 3 weeks of stretching into flowering makes up the rest :)


Well-Known Member
if you only have one growing space and you use it for veg and flower then vegging is a waste of time. the extra yield that can be achieved by having taller plants and making use of the vertical space you have is lost in terms of overall yield per year, i also think the quality of the finished bud is more consistent on small plants.

that being said i choose to grow large plants and have less harvests per year as a result because that particular way suits my lifestyle and growing isn't my job. if i had more time i would do a lot more plants, utilise every square ft of floor space with growing medium, square pots touching or one big bed.

you can get 5 harvests easily with most 8 week strains, vegging in the flower room means it is a very tough job to get even 4 harvests in a year and if you are only using the same wattage as an sog, the plants will stretch more which leaves the bottom half of the plant with fluffy buds that take longer to ripen.a positive is you can get amazing yields per plant but only doing 3 harvests a year leaves me going a long time without weed :(


Well-Known Member
if you only have one growing space and you use it for veg and flower then vegging is a waste of time. the extra yield that can be achieved by having taller plants and making use of the vertical space you have is lost in terms of overall yield per year, i also think the quality of the finished bud is more consistent on small plants.

that being said i choose to grow large plants and have less harvests per year as a result because that particular way suits my lifestyle and growing isn't my job. if i had more time i would do a lot more plants, utilise every square ft of floor space with growing medium, square pots touching or one big bed.

you can get 5 harvests easily with most 8 week strains, vegging in the flower room means it is a very tough job to get even 4 harvests in a year and if you are only using the same wattage as an sog, the plants will stretch more which leaves the bottom half of the plant with fluffy buds that take longer to ripen.a positive is you can get amazing yields per plant but only doing 3 harvests a year leaves me going a long time without weed :(
you just taught me something... :)


if you only have one growing space and you use it for veg and flower then vegging is a waste of time. the extra yield that can be achieved by having taller plants and maki:(ng use of the vertical space you have is lost in terms of overall yield per year, i also think the quality of the finished bud is more consistent on small plants.

With no veg area are you suggesting SOG from seed with little to no veg time, or can you plan to grow from clones, perhaps using refrigeration/stasis to 'store' your clones through the flowering phase?


Well-Known Member
obviously you need a reliable source for clones if you want to be getting 5+ harvests in a year with no veg facilities.

i would always advise that you try your best to have two grow spaces, even a little cupboard is enough to get a few nodes on your cuttings/ seeds before they go into the flowering room.

if you have a little cfl you can take clones from your plants as you flip to 12/12 and keep them in "stasis" as you put it. they won't do much growing but by time the flower room is done you will have some tidy little plants to replace them with.


Hey all I'm about 30 days into flowering my two lst plants and I was thinking next run to do a sog and see what one yields more. Does any one have any input on what will? Thanks in advance and here is a few pics of what I have going on right now
well if you want more yeild with less plants I would lst or even hst a srcog not a sog. With a sog you have several plants in one location right up against one an other to fill up your "sea of green". With a scrog you can have one plant that takes up anywhere from 1m sq. Witch is 3 feet by 3feet so 9 sqaure feet and it can have up to around 15 to 20 tops or colas. That is what I would do. Research the difference between lst and hst and see what you want to do


if you only have one growing space and you use it for veg and flower then vegging is a waste of time. the extra yield that can be achieved by having taller plants and making use of the vertical space you have is lost in terms of overall yield per year, i also think the quality of the finished bud is more consistent on small plants.

that being said i choose to grow large plants and have less harvests per year as a result because that particular way suits my lifestyle and growing isn't my job. if i had more time i would do a lot more plants, utilise every square ft of floor space with growing medium, square pots touching or one big bed.

you can get 5 harvests easily with most 8 week strains, vegging in the flower room means it is a very tough job to get even 4 harvests in a year and if you are only using the same wattage as an sog, the plants will stretch more which leaves the bottom half of the plant with fluffy buds that take longer to ripen.a positive is you can get amazing yields per plant but only doing 3 harvests a year leaves me going a long time without weed :(
next time try a sgrog you trim off all the leaves and immature little popcorn buds so that all the energy goes to bud froth. But only remove the fan leaves and buds from under the screen


Active Member
Got you. I don't mind having more plants. I just don't want to veg forever ether because I have kinda a perpetual grow when the two finish I have twp more ready to go in the flowing space.