LST for dummies. (and cheepies)


This here is my third grow. I just figure we'll keep things simple with images. All of this accomplished using a square mesh pot and common kitchen bread ties. The main note is that underneath the cardboard is another bread tie pulling in the opposite direction of the first one.

Critical Jack.


F Yolo, the new motto is "Bushes Not Plants" =)


Active Member
Looks awesome man, nice and cleeeeeeean. I don't understand how some people can leave their grows dirty and unorganized. +rep i'll be following this one.

The Red

Active Member


New Member
86 dried n cured grams biggest single plant yield so far...I more than topped it...I topped and fjmmed all shoots several times to achieve this...along w a little lst


New Member
I dont.grow em like that...I always use a fim or a top combined w some branch bending...I have an auto goin rite now that I haven't topped....I kinda like how its turning out....but because I grow indoors and my space is limited I literally try to fill my space up w plant...and I train the plant to grow out as much as up...if not more


Wow this plant is absolutely awesome
Hell yeah. It might be rare to say, but this is one exception: Thanks for the thread jacking lol. If you don't mind me asking a few questions.

1. How long was the veg period for this plant? Next to this plant is an auto that i decided not to FIM or Top since last time my auto didn't recover fully.

3. I saw you mention that you try to fill up the room with plant + light. How many watts is the light on this plant?

2. Am I right in assuming that your Fim / Top is the main thing preventing the main stalk from shooting upwards? I'm wondering if I need to be trimming more lower leaves at an earlier stage since most of them died off when switching to flowering. Yours looks like most of the bottom was cut off long before finishing.


New Member
It vegged for like 7/8 weeks....topped and fimmedbbegining very young and I woulod top let her new shoots get an inch or two then top orbfim again....all shoots all sides around the side branches got long enuf I pinned em to the dirt.m.after abcouplenweeks idbcutbher loose n just let her grow...then repeat process till neared flowering..the only cutting I did nearbflowering was trim lower stuff...sorry bout typos keypad messes up...600cfl watts