lst first time


Well-Known Member
i keep hearing its way better to lst then to top so i wanna give it a try on this next grow i got read so can any one help me out on wut i need to do:dunce:


Well-Known Member
do both dont just LST .. TOPPing u get more main colas so please topp her wait a week then start LST u want both


you tie down branches to make an even canopy so that every budsite gets the same or similer amount of light.


Active Member
thats was i was thinking of doing... Starting by topping once and then pulling both those 2 to the sides of the pot then around...


Well-Known Member
u dont always get two topss u will get sometimes 3 or 4 and u dont just tie down the tops because the lower growth will start to grow taller which will turn into a main top so u tie those down also all in all LST is the shit


Well-Known Member
no not hard at all bro not at all just bend all the banches down and secure them then they will grow out and upwards i will make a video lol to show u wat i mean hold up

OG Wizard

awesome video, I never knew what lst-ing was but now i know and might be doin it, sick really into that. can anyone explain topping a little bit?


Well-Known Member
toppin is usually done after about the 4th node apears

what u do is simply take a pair of CLEAN scicors and tae the very top growth and snip it off thats about it